Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

Ends on 22 October 2024 (5 days remaining)

GC Policy 8 - Sustainable Infrastructure

Text proposed to be inserted in underlined
Text proposed to be removed in strikethrough

(1) MM71 (Main)

Part A


Part A, first para. page 117 to read: All buildingsmust shall be net zero in operation at occupation or, in exceptional circumstances, have an agreed strategy to achieve net zero within five years of occupation, and achieve net zero operational energybalanceonsite across the Garden Community.


At the request of Latimer and as discussed on Day 1 of the hearing sessions under Main Matter 8.

MM73 (Main)

Part D


Part D, page 118 to read:

All buildings must include water efficiency measures and seek to achieve water neutrality. All homes must include water saving measures and, as a minimum, meet the Building Regulations optional tighter water standard of 110 litres per person per day. the Government's Environment Improvement Plan (Water Efficiency Roadmap) standard of 100 litres per person per day. Proposals should submit a water efficiency calculator report to demonstrate compliance, and developers are encouraged to demonstrate how they can go further utilising integrated water management and a fittings-based approach to minimise potable water use. Non-residential development proposals must demonstrate that water efficiency measures and water reuse have been incorporated in proposals. Where significant non-domestic water use is required, a Water Resources Assessment should be submitted with the planning application following consultation with the relevant water company to ascertain water availability and feasibility of the proposed scheme.

Proposals must include clear evidence on the approach to water conservation, including the potential for the re-use of greywater and rainwater capture and re-use and should also provide the infrastructure to support options for rainwater re-use in the building design, e.g. rainwater harvesting systems, water saving devices, greywater recycling or other agreed solutions. The Councils will require safe systems and measures to be implemented for all new development within the Garden Community.


Anglian Water Rep ID. 123
Affinity Water Rep ID. 99

To align with the Government's Environment Improvement Plan (Water Efficiency Roadmap) intention to require 100 l/p/d in water stressed areas.

MM74 (Minor)

Part Justification


Policy Justification to include a new sentence at the end of the second paragraph on page 121:

It should also be noted that the Garden Community is located with the ECAC Climate Focus Area (CFA). The principal objective of the CFA is to become net zero carbon - meaning that the amount of carbon emitted from the area is no higher than that absorbed. The Garden Community can contribute to the CFA targets.


Essex County Council Rep ID.115

To make reference to the Garden Community being situated within the Essex Climate Action Commission's recommended Climate Focus Area (CFA).

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