Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

Ends on 22 October 2024 (5 days remaining)

GC Policy 3 - Place Shaping Principles

Text proposed to be inserted in underlined
Text proposed to be removed in strikethrough

MM28 (Main)

Part A


It will adopt a landscape led approach to design and build, follow healthy new towns principles, in accordance with Sport England Active Design principles, and achieving secured by design certification.


Sport England Rep ID.68

To provide clarity and accuracy on referenced requirements.

MM29 (Minor)

Part B


Provide for a network of integrated multifunctional green and blue infrastructure features.


Essex County Council Rep ID.108

To ensure consistency throughout the DPD.

MM30 (Minor)

Parts I and J


Re-title the following sections:

Part I: Historic Environment - Becomes Part H
Part J: Planning Application Requirements - Becomes Part I


Correction of typo

(1) MM31 (Main)

Part H (was Part I)


Development that will lead to substantial harm to or total loss of significance of a listed building, conservation area, historic park or garden or important archaeological remains (including the setting of heritage assets) will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances where the harm or loss is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh the harm or loss. Where development will lead to less than substantial harm this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal.

Development affecting the historic environment should seek to conserve and enhance the significance of the heritage asset and any features of specific historic, archaeological, architectural or artistic interest. In all cases there will be an expectation that any new development will enhance the historic environment or better reveal the significance of the heritage asset unless there are no identifiable opportunities available.

Future development must take into account the results and recommendations of the Councils 'Heritage Impact Assessment', and must demonstrate that any negative impacts on the significance of the Grade II* Listed Elmstead Hall, the Grade I Listed Church of St Anne and St Laurence, the Grade II Listed Allen's Farmhouse and the Round Barrows (Scheduled Monument) on Annan Road, and their settings, have been avoided and if this is not possible minimised, through appropriate masterplan design. Proposals that would enhance or better reveal the significance of these assets will be considered positively. Specific mitigation measures must be identified through the preparation of a further detailed Heritage Impact Assessment, and pre-determination Archaeological Assessment, which will inform and be submitted prior to the determination of any application at the site.


Historic England Rep ID.215

The HIA does not consider the potential for below ground archaeology or the impact of the proposed development on archaeology. To address this the suggested wording requires that this would need to be undertaken prior to the determination of any planning application for the site.

MM32 (Main)

Part H (was Part I)


...In all cases there will be an expectation that any new development will avoid or minimise any conflict between preserving the significance of a specific heritage asset and any aspect of the proposal. It should enhance the historic environment or better reveal the significance of the heritage asset unless there are no identifiable opportunities available.


Latimer Rep ID.228

To provide additional clarity in line with the wording of the NPPF.

MM33 (Main)

Part I (was J)


2. A Heritage Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategy is required to demonstrate the measures that can minimise harm and maximise the potential to enhance the heritage significance of the Grade II* Listed Elmstead Hall, the Grade I Listed Church of St Anne and St Laurence, the Grade II Listed Allen's Farmhouse and the Round Barrows (Scheduled Monument) on Annan Road, and their settings."


Historic England Rep ID.215

To provide clarity and accuracy on referenced requirements.

MM34 (Main)

Part I (was J)


4. Design & Access Statement (incorporating an Active Design Assessment in accordance with Sport England Active Design Guidance).


Sport England Rep ID.68

To provide clarity and accuracy on referenced requirements.

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