Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

Ends on 22 October 2024 (5 days remaining)

GC Policy 5 - Economic Activity and Employment

MM35 (Main)

Part A


Amend first point of Part A:

How delivery of the first phase of business accommodation in each employment area is tied to occupation of housing to provide an alignment between jobs and housing, and any future review of employment allocations will need to take account of market dynamics and best practice and avoid sterilisation of parcels of land.


Latimer Rep ID.229

To provide additional flexibility in providing a balanced delivery of employment and residential uses.

(1) MM36 (Minor)

Part A


Amend first point at top of page 72: Creation of the Rapid Transit System to enable a fastrapid commute for residents to and from all neighbourhoods within the Garden Community to key areas of employment, including the new A120 business park and centres as well as those outside of the Garden Community, such as the University of Essex, Colchester City Centre, Colchester General Hospital, Colchester Business Park and Colchester Sports Park.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Consistency with Council policy wording in GC Policy 1.

'Colchester Business Park' is not on the RTS Route, as it terminates at Colchester Park and Ride.

(1) MM37 (Minor)

Part Justification (page 74)


...the study also recommends the provision of appropriate flexible Commercial, Business and Service uses and office space concentrated in the North and South Neighbourhood Centres.


Latimer Rep ID.229

To provide additional flexibility in allowing evidence and masterplanning to appropriately account for employment land and other employment generating uses in the neighbourhood centres.

MM38 (Main)

Part Justification


Insert additional sentence/para to justification page 76 to read:

Student and retired households are excluded from the ambition to achieve one job per household.


Latimer Main Matter 5 Hearing Statement (HS5.1)

To provide additional clarity over the aim of achieving one job per household.

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