Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

Ends on 22 October 2024 (5 days remaining)

GC Policy 6 – Community and Social Infrastructure

Text proposed to be inserted in underlined
Text proposed to be removed in strikethrough

MM39 (Minor)

Part Narrative


Amend Para.1 page 78 to read:

Ensuring the Garden Community is served by community services and facilities of the right type in the right location and delivered at the appropriate time, including health and wellbeing, schools and sports facilities; as well as access to health ambulance, police and firefighting services ...


ESNEFT Rep ID.267 and EEAST Rep ID.254

MM40 (Main)

Part Part C


Amend third para. page 83: Vehicle free 'school zones' must be provided around schools, with the area around the main pupil entrance entirely traffic freeand away from streets and car parks, connected by safe and direct walking and cycling routes to the Neighbourhood the school serves.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Access will still be required by emergency vehicles and for blue badge users. The wording requires the flexibility to respond to accessible needs and "streets" and "car parks" is ambiguous.

MM41 (Main)

Part C


Amend third para. page 83:

Vehicle free 'school zones' must be provided around schools, with the area around the main pupil entrance entirely traffic free and away from streets and car parks, connected by safe and direct walking and cycling routes to the Neighbourhood the school serves. All schools should be well connected to the natural environment to provide the option of providing forest school sessions, and through their design and layout encourage health and wellbeing, especially physical activity (e.g. storage facilities to support cycling, and the promotion of informal physical activity as well as providing conventional sport and play facilities).


Sport England Rep ID.69

To strengthen links between health and education.

(1) MM42 (Main)

Part C


Include after bullet point list as paragraph:

The capacity and quantum of schools and early years provision will be subject to an appropriate assessment of the need at the time of submission of future planning application(s).


Latimer Rep ID.230

To provide additional clarity that the number of schools should be evidence led, based on need and demographic studies at the time.

MM43 (Minor)

Part D


The sports and recreation requirements of the Garden Community, as set out in theColchester and Tendring Sports, Recreation and Open Space Strategy (2022) Colchester and Tendring Open Space, Playing Pitch, Outdoor Sports and Built Facility - Overarching Strategy (2023) or any updates to this Strategy, must be met in full in terms of the typology, quantity, quality, and location of facilities provided.


Update to most recent evidence base document.

(1) MM44 (Main)

Part D


The sports and recreation requirements of the Garden Community, as set out in the Colchester and Tendring Sports, Recreation and Open Space Strategy (2022) or any updates to this Strategy, must be met in full in terms of the typology, quantity, quality, and location of facilities provided. Proposals will have regard to the potential role of the University's existing or future sports facilities in meeting the needs of the development in view of the close proximity of the University site and the strategic shared use facilities that are or could be provided to help meet the needs of residents of both the development and the University.

Opportunities should be taken to deliver multipurpose facilities well integrated into the built environment and well designed in terms of their landscape settings. The Councils will only consider offsite provision where it is well connected to the Garden Community and/or where it will deliver multiple benefits, including benefits to existing communities.


Sport England Rep ID.69

To strengthen links to University/shared sports facilities.

(1) MM45 (Main)

Part E


Amend from last para. page 83:

Appropriate health and wellbeing services must be provided to new residents and occupiers of the Garden Community from first occupation. Proposals for the development of the Garden Community must reflect national and local health related strategies, consider the evidence provided through relevant Health Impact Assessments including the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) and align with the outcomes within the overall 'Health Strategy' for the Garden Community, and are anticipated to include:

  • Enhancements to existing local facilities, including improvements to primary care provision and wider healthcare services and facilities including but not limited to those at Colchester Hospital which will support the provision of acute and community services.
  • A new Health and Wellbeing Hubto be provided in the early phases of development (potentially via a phased approach to delivery)(underpinned by the most up-to date evidence base delivered via a phased approach). The facility shall be designed to deliver an integrated service forpatients- including a cluster of general practitioners, a wide range of diagnostic services and primary care treatment - to minimise the requirement for secondary care treatment at hospital. residents and include consideration of primary, community and acute services andit should be located on an accessible site close to other community facilities and transport infrastructure. Any approach to health and wellbeing will include facilities that provide regard to prevention and health improvement activities. 
  • Flexible space for health provision, located within the Neighbourhood Centres and community buildings.

Developers must enter into early conversations with the local NHS Integrated Care Board through the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance, and other relevant partners to ensure that proposals reflect current health and social care models. which is the local place-based health partnership so to ensure that proposals reflect current health and social care models, local evidence and need. This partnership vehicle will also be key in supporting the development of the health impact assessment and health strategy for the GC.



To ensure that the Policy represents an effective strategy for securing all types of healthcare infrastructure (both on and off-site) required to serve the new communities.

MM46 (Main)

Part G


Amend point 3, page 85:

3. Proposals must be supported by bespoke demographic studies commissioned by the developer to provide a consistent evidence base for the planning of all social and community infrastructure, particularly schools and healthcare facilities. These will also contribute to the health impact assessment.



(1) MM47 (Main)

Part G


Amend point 6, page 85:

6. Proposals must be supported by a Healthy Living and Play Strategy, which will be informed by the Colchester and Tendring Open Space, Playing Pitch, Outdoor Sports and Built Facility - Overarching Strategy (2023) or any updates to this Strategy. This Strategy should demonstrate how the development will be designed to encourage active lifestyles, independence, and wellbeing, through the provision of sites, facilities, and informal opportunities for people to play, socialise, play sport, keep fit and have fun. It must be co-ordinated with other relevant strategies for the development such as the Green Infrastructure Strategy, the Active Travel Strategy and the Active Design Assessment.


Sport England Rep ID.69

To strengthen links with 2023 Colchester and Tendring Open Space Strategy.

MM48 (Main)

Part G


9. Proposals for educational use/buildings should be accompanied by a 'Community Use Statement/Plan' to be agreed by the authorities and which must be approved as part of any planning permission granted and secured by way of a Community Use Agreement through an appropriate legal agreement.


Sport England Rep ID.69

To provide clarity with regard to securing community use of education facilities.

MM49 (Main)

Part Justification


Amend Justification Text:  Para 2, Page 86 to read:

"Community and social infrastructure covers a wide range of facilities, such as health; ambulance; police; firefighting; education; sports; recreation and greenspace; places of worship; community halls; public houses and cultural infrastructure..."


EEAST Rep ID.257

Plan text not fully 'justified' as the paragraph omits reference to key infrastructure in the form of ambulance, police & firefighting facilities.

MM50 (Main)

Part Justification


Insertion of new paragraph after Para 3, Page 88 to read:

The health strategy for the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community will be dependent on various factors including capacity in existing neighbouring primary care facilities, workforce recruitment, funding streams, NHS clinical and service strategies and NHS building design approaches. A comprehensive, evidence based HIA will be carried out engaging with all local health and care partners and local communities to ensure that a robust view of need is assessed. The strategy shall be designed to ensure that health is designed into the Garden Community and that any new infrastructure delivers an integrated service for the population. A consideration on the wider impact of the development on key health stakeholders including Public Health, primary, secondary and acute inpatient and outpatient facilities, ambulance, police, firefighting and others within the local partnership will need to be taken into account and mitigation of any impact appropriately provided.


SNEE ICB Rep ID.272 and 273

Stresses the importance of the need for a robust HIA process developed through collaborative work and carried out as early as possible.

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