Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

Ends on 22 October 2024 (5 days remaining)

GC Policy 7 - Movement and Connections

Text proposed to be inserted in underlined
Text proposed to be removed in strikethrough

(1) MM51 (Main)

Part Chapter 8 - Movement and Connections Illustrative Framework Plan


Page 93, amend footer:

The location of specific land uses, facilities and activities and the movement and connection features are illustrative and subject to further masterplanning and Transport Assessment.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Whilst illustrative only, this is the only plan that shows vehicular access locations in the DPD so others may add significant weight to its interpretation so options and clarification need to make this clear.

(1) MM52 (Main)

Part A


Amend third point, page 95:

Achieve filtered permeability, restricting the movement of general vehicular traffic between neighbourhoods. This includes amendments to the existing adopted lanes within the site to control and/or restrict vehicular access so the routes can become strategic active travel corridors.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

The RTS and active travel modes are the priority however some flexibility is required in the DPD to fully understand network and road capacities and how this will inform the masterplan work and vehicle access locations.

(1) MM53 (Main)

Part A


Amend forth point, page 95:

Demonstrate how modal share targets (the number of trips by walking, cycling, public transport and private vehicle) will be achieved, maximised and monitored in a phased approach and how the targets reflect the ambitions for reducing car use over time as outlined in the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Transport Evidence Base Report 2023, and as reflected in the table below.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

The mode split targets reflect the land-use quanta tested in the DPD and the Transport Assessment will establish the targets based on detailed forecasting and will be agreed with the highway and planning authority based on the transport strategy proposed and linked to the phasing strategy for both the development, Park and Choose and Link Road.

Review mechanisms for the DPD will allow updates to respond to the developing evidence base.

(1) MM54 (Main)

Part A


Amend third para. page 96:

Proposals for the development of the Garden Community must include planning obligations to support and enable the phased delivery of transport infrastructure of a high standard of design, with the provision of key infrastructure and services for early phases of development toensureenable and encourage sustainable travel patterns from first occupation.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

The policy wording change reflects that infrastructure can (alongside promotional measures) enable and encourage sustainable travel but not ensure it.

MM55 (Main)

Part C


Amend final point of Part C, page 98:

'Proposals must demonstrate how the development contributes to:...

Ensuring that there is a convenient and high frequencybus public transport service operating that is aligned with the first phase of the Garden Community which will need to be appropriately funded by the developer.


Mr Tim Batts-Neale Rep ID.131

To provide consistent wording in policy.

MM56 (Minor)

Part J


Amend second para of Part J, page 105:

..... will be agreed and approved by the Councils and the Highway AuthoritiesAuthority.


Correction of wording to refer to Highways Authorities.

(1) MM57 (Main)

Part D


Amend first para. of Part D, page 99:

All proposals will need to integrate with the RTS and demonstrate how the RTS can serveprovide a direct link to each Neighbourhood Centre.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

How the RTS will serve each neighbourhood centre will be the subject of plot testing within detailed masterplanning. "Accessibility" rather than "a direct link" avoids introducing a potential conflict with other policies by being prescriptive about the alignment of RTS, for example around school entrance access being vehicle free.

(2) MM58 (Main)

Part D


Amend third para. of Part D, page 99:

It should be ready for operation during the first residential parcelsphase of the development to influence sustainable travel behaviour and embed the use of the system and align with the Essex RTS operational model, including the phased delivery plan for services.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

It is agreed that a quality public transport service must be available during the first phase that generates residential trips and where possible the RTS segregated route be available early.

However, flexibility is required in the wording to avoid the wording prejudging the location of the first phase, i.e. that it must be adjacent the safeguarded RTS corridor. The RTS operating route and frequency will be related to the scale and location of a first residential phase but it is agreed they must come together.

"First residential" was used rather than "first" as there may be a requirement for infrastructure enabling works relating to energy etc which would fall under the definition of "first phase" but wouldn't have any homes associated with it to require an RTS. Alternative wording refers to residential parcels.

MM59 (Main)

Part D


Amend second para. of Part D, page 99:

Proposals should ensure the RTS will be, and will remain highly visible, serving residents of the Garden Community and beyond, and will be served by high quality stops/halts situated to maximise accessibility (including parking provisions for safe/secure/covered storage of cycles/scooters) whilst providing for a fast service.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Added wording aligns with other policy references to RTS being a fast service.

(1) MM60 (Main)

Part D


Add new para. to end of Part D page 99:

Before any planning approval is granted for development forming part of the Garden Community a relevant permission must have been secured to provide for the connection from the A133 Section C of the RTS (delivered by ECC under the HIF programme) to both the Park and Choose Facility and the route of the RTS through the Garden Community.


To carry forward the adopted policy requirement from the Section 1 Plan to include reference to the delivery and funding of the RTS given that sections of the scheme have been delivered through HIF. The suggested modification will provide appropriate safeguards as per the intent behind the Section 1 Plan policy SP6, updated to reflect the current circumstances.

(1) MM61 (Main)

Part G


Amend forth point on page 101:

How the design, location and amount of parking seeks to avoidensures that there is no resulting overspill and inappropriate on-street parking which negatively impacts on..."


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Design can seek to avoid these issues, it cannot ensure. The monitoring strategy for TCBGC will ensure that unforeseen issues with parking are picked up and addressed in subsequent design phases.

MM62 (Main)

Part H


Amend first para of 'H.2' page 103:

In developing travel plans for proposals within the Garden Community, such plans will be required to take account of thenecessarysupporting Transport Assessment and processes, measures and monitoring requirements set out within the Shared Section 1 Local Plan, this Plan, and reflect the ambitions set out in the supporting Strategic Masterplan and the transport evidence base for the Garden Community as well as all other relevant local and national policies and guidance.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

The Transport Assessment will define what is to be agreed for TCBGC and that this should align with the ambitions established in the evidence base.

The RTS and active travel modes are the priority however some flexibility is required in the DPD to fully understand network and road capacities and how this will inform the masterplan work and ultimate transport strategy, mitigation packages and mode split targets

(2) MM63 (Main)

Part I


Amend second point, page 104:

Subject to detailed modelling, the Garden Community must aim to restrict vehicular connectivity between individual junctions of the 'Link Road', except for public transport and emergency vehicles, apart from the 'Link Road' itself".


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Latimer's testing of the capacity of the A133 junction indicates that the Southern Community will require two points of vehicular access to the Link Road. This will be confirmed through detailed modelling in the Transport Assessment, but the policy wording must protect the ability for the Southern Community to have access from the A133 and Tye Lane Roundabouts on the Link Road.

(1) MM64 (Main)

Part I


Add new para. to end of Part I page 104:

Before any planning approval is granted for development forming part of the Garden Community the full delivery of the A120-A133 link road must have secured planning consent and a commitment to full funding must be demonstrated.


To carry forward the adopted policy requirement from the Section 1 Plan to include reference to the 'full' delivery and funding of the Link Road given its delivery is now phased. The suggested modification will provide appropriate safeguards as per the intent behind the Section 1 Plan policy SP6, updated to reflect the current circumstances.

(1) MM65 (Main)

Part J


Amend first para. page 105:

The modal share targets will be actively monitored throughout the phasing of the development and upon full occupation via the Garden Community Travel Plan. The monitoring approach will be agreed through the planning application. This Travel Plan document/s will be developedin accordance with to reflect the latest best practice guidance and support the mode share ambitions set out in this Plan and the supporting transport evidence.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Monitoring progress towards the targets will be essential over the long build out of the development and flexibility must be built into infrastructure triggers to ensure that the transport infrastructure proposed within each development phase addresses the transport conditions at the time.

In accordance with" can be interpreted to mean with the modal split targets and strategy in the evidence base. All parties agree that the RTS and active travel modes are the priority however some flexibility is required in the DPD to fully understand network and road capacities and how this will inform the masterplan work and ultimate transport strategy, and mitigation packages which the Transport Assessment will address.

(1) MM66 (Main)

Part J


Add para to Part J, Page 105:

Both internal Garden Community neighbourhood and external modal splits will be measured and monitored, and robust management and oversight will be activated to see that the targets are met.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

The RTS and active travel modes are the priority and ambitious mode split targets are important to this and external modal split targets need to be measured and monitored. Monitoring travel patterns of internal trips is more problematic than external trip monitoring regardless of technology. Internal modal split data will be gathered, but this will rely on selfreporting as part of the Travel Plans for the on-site employment, retail, and school travel plans and self-reported travel diaries from residents so will be sample based only. Whilst technology (such as cameras) can count numbers of pedestrians and cyclists on key routes within the site, it cannot determine whether these are internal trips or external trips. This would require facial recognition which presents significant GDPR and data protection issues. The method for obtaining internal and external modal split data will be agreed with Essex and the Councils.

(1) MM67 (Main)

Part K


Amend first para of Part K, page 105:

Any planning permission granted for the development of the Garden Community will include planning obligations enabling the phased delivery of transport infrastructure. Some of these have been detailed above and will be redefined based on the findings of the Transport Assessment.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

The phased delivery of infrastructure is important. However some flexibility is required in the DPD to fully understand network and road capacities within the TA and how this will inform the masterplan work and ultimate transport strategy, mitigation packages and mode split targets.

(1) MM68 (Main)

Part K


Amend first para of Part K, page 105:

Notably, any planning permission granted for the development of the Garden Community will include a planning obligation enabling the phased delivery of transport infrastructure of a high standard of design, with the provision of key infrastructure for early phases of development toensure enable and encourage sustainable travel patterns from first occupation in line with modal share targets agreed by the Councils and set out in the Transport Assessment provided by applicants.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

The policy wording change reflects that infrastructure can (alongside promotional measures) enable and encourage sustainable travel, but not ensure it.

MM69 (Main)

Part K


Amend first point '1' of Part K, page 105:

The Transport Assessment must include a Construction Logistics and Traffic Management Strategy that has regard to the latest best practice guidance and the principles of the Healthy Streets for Life Assessment. A copy of the results of the Healthy Streets for Life Assessment should be provided at the appropriate stage of planning.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

To reflect that the completion of a Healthy Streets for Life Assessment may only be possible at particular stages of the planning process. New wording to be clear principles are incorporated early but the assessment will follow.

(1) MM70 (Main)

Part K


Amend point '5g' of Part K, page 107:

Targets which are monitored and submitted for approval from the outset at a frequency as agreed with the Councils and review by the Councilsannually from the outset; and of the operation of a Transport Review Group (TRG) including terms of reference".


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

For a development this scale, annual monitoring does not give time for the full cycle of monitoring, review, agreement of measures, implementation of measures and evaluation of impacts of the interventions. Wording change to reflect the frequency will be agreed at a later date.

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