Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

Ends on 22 October 2024 (5 days remaining)

GC Policy 1 - Land Uses and Spatial Approach

Text proposed to be inserted in underlined
Text proposed to be removed in strikethrough

MM2 (Main)

Part A


Amend first point of Part A, page 20:

Delivery of circa 7,500 new homes with a range of shops, jobs, services, and community facilities, including education and health and wellbeing provision (see Part B below).



To ensure the Plan includes an effective strategy for securing identified infrastructure needs.

MM3 (Main)

Part B


Amend fifth para, page 22:

...The councils will work with the University of Essex and other partners as appropriate, to deliver the key infrastructure (health, education, ambulance, police, firefighting and other community uses)...


EEAST Rep ID.253

To add emergency services.

MM4 (Main)

Part B


Amend last sentence of first para, page 23:

Accessibility to services and facilities including those that support health and wellbeing, utilities infrastructure and the Rapid Transit System will be key to determining the phasing of development in the 'Crockleford Neighbourhood'.



to ensure that the Policy represents an effective strategy for meeting identified infrastructure needs.

MM5 (Main)

Part B


Amend last sentence of last para. page 21:

Broad locations for two distinct but interlinked Neighbourhoods, referred to as the 'South and North Neighbourhoods' are shown on the Policies Map. The 'North and South Neighbourhoods' between them will accommodate around 6,000-6,500 new homes. Development within and across the two 'Neighbourhoods' will be phased to ensure housing development is aligned with infrastructure delivery, with an expectation that the early phases of development will begin in the 'South Neighbourhood'.


Latimer Rep ID.225

Phasing will be agreed via an illustrative phasing plan for the Garden Community, submitted with the hybrid planning application.

(2) MM6 (Main)

Part B


Amend first sentence of last para. page 22:

Subject to evidence-based work, the 'South and North Neighbourhoods' are to will each be accessed independently from separate vehicular junctions on the new A120-A133 Link Road (as opposed to the A133 and A120 themselves) in order to give priority to the Rapid Transit System and active travel modes.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

The RTS and active travel modes are the priority however some flexibility is required in the DPD to fully understand network and road capacities and how this will inform the masterplan work.

(4) MM7 (Main)

Part B


Amend first sentence of first para. page 23:

The 'Crockleford Neighbourhood' will be developed as an individual community that is physically separated from, but connected by walking, cycling and other sustainable transport modes to the 'South and North Neighbourhoods' and the City of Colchester.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Depending on the outcomes of local junction modelling along Bromley Road into Colchester, some parcels of development within the Crockleford Neighbourhood may need to access to the Link Road instead of Bromley Road. Suggested wording to reflect this flexibility.

(3) MM8 (Main)

Part B


Amend last sentence of first para. page 23:

Accessibility to services and facilities, utilities infrastructure and, the Rapid Transit System and other public transport services will be key to determining the phasing of development in the 'Crockleford Neighbourhood.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

Acknowledging existing, enhanced and other public transport can support homes as well as the RTS removes pre-judging of phasing at Crockleford.

(1) MM9 (Main)

Part E


Amend forth para. page 24:

Land east of the new A120-A133 Link Road and the new 'Business Park' south of the A120, is designated as a Strategic Green Gap. This designation will provide protection to the open countryside to the east of the Garden Community; maintain the long-term physical and visual separation to Elmstead Market, and to assist in protecting the setting of the designated heritage assets of the Grade I Listed Church of St. Anne and St. Lawrence, Grade II* Listed Elmstead Hall, and Grade II Listed Allens Farmhouse and the Round Burrow.


Historic England Rep ID.214

Correction is suggested which removes reference to the 'Round Burrow' due to this asset being unrelated to the context of the Elmstead Strategic Green Gap.

(3) MM10 (Main)

Part F


Amend first para. page 25:

Approximately 25 hectares of land south of the A133 and north of the proposed 'Wivenhoe Strategic Green Gap', is allocated on the 'Policies Map' for new a 'Sports and Leisure Park'. This will facilitate the enhancement of sports facilities required by the University of Essex as part of its plans for long-term expansion and will provide sports and leisure facilities which will be available for use by residents and clubs in the existing community, the proposed Garden Community and the University. Where appropriate this will include the provision of indoor and outdoor floodlit facilities.


Sport England Rep ID.66

To provide clarity over scope of sports facilities.

(2) MM11 (Main)

Part F


Add new para. after second para. page 25:

Should the position of the A133 Park and Choose Facility be located south of the A133, its provision and position should be evidenced to demonstrate that it would not prejudice the expansion requirements of the University of Essex or the ability to meet the sports, leisure and open space requirements of the wider Garden Community.


Statement of Common Ground SCG04 with the University of Essex.

To provide clarity over the provision of the Park and Choose facility should it be located south of the A133, to ensure the full and comprehensive expansion needs of the University could be realised and that the open space requirements of the Garden Community are met.

MM12 (Main)

Part J


Amend last para. page 26:

The 'Park and Choose Facility' will be brought forward alongside early phases first residential phases of development to coincide with the first operation of with the Rapid Transport System. It will have the ability to be expanded over time in response to future demand.


Latimer SoCG (SCG06)

A sustainable infrastructure first approach should be adopted at TCBGC and that the RTS will be provided with a Park and Choose facility from the first development parcel phases. "first residential" is used rather than "first" as there may be a requirement for infrastructure enabling works relating to energy etc which would fall under the definition of "first phase" but wouldn't have any homes associated with it to require an RTS.

MM13 (Minor)

Part K


Amend last para. page 27: Each individual policy of this Plan specifies required supporting documents that must be submitted either prior to or in support of planning applications. A full list of these documents can be found at Appendix 4 3.



Correction of typo.

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