Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Appendix 3: Planning Application / Validation Requirements
Planning applications will be determined considering the policies and proposals within this Plan. For planning applications to be considered valid, a range of information must be submitted including plans and/or supporting documents in accordance with national validation requirements. The Councils local validation lists are available on their websites and clarifies what information is required. This will vary for different types and scales of application being made and will be reviewed as necessary to take account of statutory changes or Government guidance.
Each individual policy of this Planspecifies required supporting documents and information that must be submitted either prior to or in support of planning applications where relevant. These list lists are not exhaustive and will be regularly reviewed. Applicants are advised to engage with the Councils to determine the requirements of individual applications. Those documents expected include:
- Comprehensive site wide Garden Community Masterplan
- Detailed Area Specific Masterplans
- Design Codes
- Strategic Masterplan Compliance Statement
- Green - Blue Infrastructure Strategy
- Ecological Surveys
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment/s (LVIA)
- Biodiversity net gain calculation and biodiversity gain plan
- Indicative Drainage Plan for the Whole Garden Community
- Drainage Plan/s and SuDS Management and Maintenance Plan/s
- Design & Access Statement/s
- Heritage Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategy
- Archaeological Evaluation
- Housing Strategy(ies)
- Housing Mix Statement
- Affordable Housing Phasing Strategy
- Economic and Employment Strategy
- Employment and Skills Plan (ESP)
- Phasing and Implementation Strategy
- Social and community infrastructure demographic studies
- Health Strategy and Health Impact Assessment
- Healthy Living and Play Strategy
- Stewardship Strategy
- Community Use Statement/Plan
- Transport Assessment
- Public Transport Strategy
- Parking Strategy and Management Plan
- Freight Management Strategy
- Travel Plan
- Mobility Hubs Strategy
- Minerals Resource Assessment (MRA)
- Energy and Carbon Reduction Strategy
- Digital Connectivity Report
- Water Efficiency Calculator Report
- Embodied Carbon Assessment
- Planning Obligation Statement
- Affordable Housing Statement
- Viability Assessment