Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM88 (Minor)
Representation ID: 403
Received: 10/10/2024
Respondent: East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Agent: East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
see attachment
Rep ID.266; Rep ID.267 GC Policy 6 – Community and Social Infrastructure
Rep ID.259 GC Policy 9 – Infrastructure Delivery and Impact Mitigation
Suggested changes are highlighted in red
Reason/Rationale: Emergency ambulance services are commissioned by health and therefore a health infrastructure facility (and should be included in any Health Impact Assessment). EEAST is both a health commissioned service provider as well as an emergency service – so is unique as it has responsibilities under both health and emergency services.
IPD Page 131
The Councils will seek contributions from developers to fund improvements to existing infrastructure and the environment and new infrastructure. Contributions will be made through Section 106 agreements which address the provision of affordable housing and the Community Infrastructure Levy (if adopted), which applies a standard charge to developers to fund supporting infrastructure such as transport, schools, community facilities and health facilities (including ambulance), emergency services (fire and police). The necessary infrastructure requirements through the use of planning condition and/or planning obligation and/or financial contributions will be through Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charges in accordance with The Community Infrastructure Regulations 2019.
Glossary Page 157
Infrastructure Infrastructure means any structure, building, system, facility and/or provision required by an area for its social and/or economic function and/ or well-eing including (but not exclusively): footways, cycleways and highways; public transport; drainage and flood protection; waste recycling facilities; education and childcare; healthcare (including emergency ambulance); emergency services
(police & firefighting facilities); sports, leisure and recreation facilities; community and social facilities; cultural facilities; emergency services; green infrastructure; open space; affordable housing; broadband; facilities for specific sections of the community such as youth or the elderly.