Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM65 (Main)
Representation ID: 379
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM65, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024.
Latimer support modification MM65, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024.
Monitoring progress towards the targets will be essential over the long build out of the development and flexibility must be built into infrastructure triggers to ensure that the transport infrastructure proposed within each development phase addresses the transport conditions at the time.
“In accordance with” as previously drafted could be interpreted to mean with the modal split targets and strategy in the evidence base. Latimer agree that the RTS and active travel modes are the priority, however MM65 introduces the flexibility required to understand network and road capacities and how this will inform the masterplan work, transport strategy, and mitigation packages which the Transport Assessment will address.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM66 (Main)
Representation ID: 380
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM66, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The modification will ensure that external modal split targets are appropriately measured and monitored.
Latimer support modification MM66, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The modification will ensure that external modal split targets are appropriately measured and monitored.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM67 (Main)
Representation ID: 381
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM67, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024.
The phased delivery of infrastructure is important. MM67 introduces flexibility into the DPD to fully understand network and road capacities within the Transport Assessment and how this will inform the masterplan work and ultimate transport strategy, mitigation packages and mode split targets.
Latimer support modification MM67, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024.
The phased delivery of infrastructure is important. MM67 introduces flexibility into the DPD to fully understand network and road capacities within the Transport Assessment and how this will inform the masterplan work and ultimate transport strategy, mitigation packages and mode split targets.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM68 (Main)
Representation ID: 382
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM68, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The proposed modification reflects that infrastructure can (alongside promotional measures) enable and encourage sustainable travel, but not ‘ensure’ it.
Latimer support modification MM68, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The proposed modification reflects that infrastructure can (alongside promotional measures) enable and encourage sustainable travel, but not ‘ensure’ it.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM69 (Main)
Representation ID: 383
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM69, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The modification reflects that the completion of a Healthy Streets for Life Assessment may only be possible at particular stages of the planning process. The updated wording is clear that principles are incorporated early, but the assessment will follow.
Latimer support modification MM69, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The modification reflects that the completion of a Healthy Streets for Life Assessment may only be possible at particular stages of the planning process. The updated wording is clear that principles are incorporated early, but the assessment will follow.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM70 (Main)
Representation ID: 384
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM70, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024.
For a development this scale, annual monitoring does not give time for the full cycle of monitoring, review, agreement of measures, implementation of measures and evaluation of impacts of the interventions. MM70 reflects the frequency that will be agreed at a later date.
Latimer support modification MM70, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024.
For a development this scale, annual monitoring does not give time for the full cycle of monitoring, review, agreement of measures, implementation of measures and evaluation of impacts of the interventions. MM70 reflects the frequency that will be agreed at a later date.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM71 (Main)
Representation ID: 385
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support the rationale of the changes proposed under MM71 and the need to reach net zero carbon in operation. However, the Councils should be aware of the impact of the ambition to reach zero carbon – in that it can take choice away from residents and end users by limiting their energy suppliers.
Latimer support the rationale of the changes proposed under MM71 and the need to reach net zero carbon in operation. However, the Councils should be aware of the impact of the ambition to reach zero carbon – in that it can take choice away from residents and end users by limiting their energy suppliers.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM73 (Main)
Representation ID: 386
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer note that the modified policy does not seem to read correctly and now refers to both 100 and 110 litres of water per person per day. In principle, Latimer is content with the 100 litres of water per person per day ambition, but suggest the wording is clarified to avoid any ambiguity prior to adoption. With regards to the second part of the tracked changes under MM73, Latimer support this ambition.
Latimer note that the modified policy does not seem to read correctly and now refers to both 100 and 110 litres of water per person per day. In principle, Latimer is content with the 100 litres of water per person per day ambition, but suggest the wording is clarified to avoid any ambiguity prior to adoption. With regards to the second part of the tracked changes under MM73, Latimer support this ambition.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM75 (Main)
Representation ID: 387
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
The IDPFP has been prepared for a specific purpose to support the DPD. In Latimer’s view, to be compliant with national policy and pass the legal tests for a planning application, the infrastructure items, package of mitigation measures and their proposed phasing must be agreed as part of the planning application determination where they can be based on sound evidence-based work related directly to Latimer’s proposals.
It's proposed that clarification is provided that a “relevant” IDP, for the purposes of this policy, could be one provided by Latimer and agreed with the Council’s as part of the planning application process.
It is proposed that clarification is provided that a “relevant” IDP, for the purposes of this policy, could be one provided by Latimer and agreed with the Council’s as part of the planning application process.
The IDPFP has been prepared for a specific purpose to support the DPD. In Latimer’s view, to be compliant with national policy and pass the legal tests for a planning application, the infrastructure items, package of mitigation measures and their proposed phasing must be agreed as part of the planning application determination where they can be based on sound evidence-based work related directly to Latimer’s proposals.
It's therefore proposed that clarification is provided that a “relevant” IDP, for the purposes of this policy, could be one provided by Latimer and agreed with the Council’s as part of the planning application process.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM76 (Main)
Representation ID: 388
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM76, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The modification provides for flexibility should the conditions of the HIF be prohibitive or alternatives possible that could significantly benefit to journey to net zero carbon.
Latimer support modification MM76, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The modification provides for flexibility should the conditions of the HIF be prohibitive or alternatives possible that could significantly benefit to journey to net zero carbon.