Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM36 (Minor)
Representation ID: 359
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM36, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The amendment provides consistency with DPD policy wording GC Policy 1. MM36 also corrects an error with the wording, given the Colchester Business Park is not on the RTS route, as it terminates at Colchester Park and Ride.
Latimer support modification MM36, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The amendment provides consistency with DPD policy wording GC Policy 1. MM36 also corrects an error with the wording, given the Colchester Business Park is not on the RTS route, as it terminates at Colchester Park and Ride.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM37 (Minor)
Representation ID: 360
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM37, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The modification would allow evidence and masterplanning at the planning application stage to appropriately account for employment land and other employment generating uses in the neighbourhood centres.
Latimer support modification MM37, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The modification would allow evidence and masterplanning at the planning application stage to appropriately account for employment land and other employment generating uses in the neighbourhood centres.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM38 (Main)
Representation ID: 361
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM38, as set out in its Matter 5 Hearing Statement, and as discussed at the hearings. It would not be a realistic requirement for retired or student households to count towards the one job per household ambition.
Latimer support modification MM38, as set out in its Matter 5 Hearing Statement, and as discussed at the hearings. It would not be a realistic requirement for retired or student households to count towards the one job per household ambition.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM39 (Minor)
Representation ID: 362
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support proposed MM39.
However, within the draft DPD and evidence base there has been no reference to the need for the Garden Community to provide any specific facilities for ambulance, police and/or firefighting services. Should any infrastructure be required from the Garden Community, this should be communicated at the earliest so it can be considered within the masterplan proposals as part of Latimer’s Garden Community proposals and if this is required it should form part of the overarching planning application considerations.
Latimer support proposed MM39. Latimer is progressing a hybrid planning application for the Garden Community which is currently at pre-application stage with submission of the application anticipated in 2025. From an early stage, Latimer has engaged with relevant stakeholders from the NHS and Integrated Care Board (‘ICB’) and continues to do so to ensure the Garden Community fully plans for the health needs arising, in accordance with the NHS requirements. Latimer’s planning application will be robust in respect of health, embedding principles to support health and well-being into the site wide illustrative masterplan and design codes. The proposed amendment will support the DPD to provide the appropriate framework through which to plan for health, and for decision makers to assess this part of the proposal.
However, within the draft DPD and evidence base there has been no reference to the need for the Garden Community to provide any specific facilities for ambulance, police and/or firefighting services. Should any infrastructure be required from the Garden Community, this should be communicated at the earliest so it can be considered within the masterplan proposals as part of Latimer’s Garden Community proposals and if this is required it should form part of the overarching planning application considerations.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM40 (Main)
Representation ID: 363
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM4o, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The amendment will remove ambiguity, given access will still be required by emergency vehicles and blue badge users and staff car parking will be required. Essex County Council and Department for Education have very specific design requirements for new schools so any schools will need to ensure compliance with these standards.
Latimer support modification MM4o, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The amendment will remove ambiguity, given access will still be required by emergency vehicles and blue badge users and staff car parking will be required. Essex County Council and Department for Education have very specific design requirements for new schools so any schools will need to ensure compliance with these standards.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM42 (Main)
Representation ID: 364
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM42, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The amendment will provide additional clarity that the number of schools should be evidence led, based on need and trajectory studies at the time of planning application submission.
Latimer support modification MM42, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024. The amendment will provide additional clarity that the number of schools should be evidence led, based on need and trajectory studies at the time of planning application submission.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM44 (Main)
Representation ID: 365
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support MM44. It will be a sustainable approach to facilitate sharing of future sports communities between the University of Essex and the future Garden Community, to support needs and facilitate mixing of existing communities and the new residents.
Latimer support MM44. It will be a sustainable approach to facilitate sharing of future sports communities between the University of Essex and the future Garden Community, to support needs and facilitate mixing of existing communities and the new residents.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM47 (Main)
Representation ID: 366
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support proposed MM47. The Healthy Living and Play Strategy will be incorporated into the Design and Access Statement for the hybrid planning submission, but the principles of healthy living and play are embedded in the masterplan and scheme design and will be particularly evident in the detailed component of the hybrid planning application.
Latimer support proposed MM47. The Healthy Living and Play Strategy will be incorporated into the Design and Access Statement for the hybrid planning submission, but the principles of healthy living and play are embedded in the masterplan and scheme design and will be particularly evident in the detailed component of the hybrid planning application.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM50 (Main)
Representation ID: 367
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support the principle of MM50. However, it is considered that the proposed wording should be amended to remove the word ‘all’. Whilst it is Latimer’s intention to engage with as many relevant stakeholders and parties as possible (and indeed, this has begun and is ongoing), it is not reasonable, practical or achievable to engage with ‘all’ partners and communities specifically for health related matters. Further, it is not for the Garden Community to be remedying or providing mitigation for existing issues with health provision in the locality, any mitigation or provision should be proportionate, fair and reasonable.
Latimer support the principle of MM50. Latimer’s planning application will be robust in respect of health, embedding principles to support health and well-being into the site wide illustrative masterplan and design codes. However, it is considered that the proposed wording: ‘all local health and care partners and local communities’, should be amended to remove the word ‘all’. Whilst it is Latimer’s intention to engage with as many relevant stakeholders and parties as possible (and indeed, this has begun and is ongoing), it is not reasonable, practical or achievable to engage with ‘all’ partners and communities specifically for health related matters. Further, it is not for the Garden Community to be remedying or providing mitigation for existing issues with health provision in the locality, any mitigation or provision should be proportionate, fair and reasonable.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM51 (Main)
Representation ID: 368
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Latimer (Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community) Developments Limited
Agent: Lichfields
Latimer support modification MM51, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024.
Whilst illustrative only, this is the only plan that shows vehicular access locations in the DPD so others may add weight to its interpretation.
Latimer support modification MM51, this being an amendment agreed between Latimer and the Councils in the joint Statement of Common Ground, dated 18 April 2024.
Whilst illustrative only, this is the only plan that shows vehicular access locations in the DPD so others may add weight to its interpretation.