Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 274
Received: 03/07/2023
Respondent: The University Of Essex
Agent: The JTS Partnership LLP
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
University has need for student accommodation on and off campus in line with growth objectives.
University accommodation located in accessible locations within the Southern Neighbourhood is entirely inappropriate, and wholly unacceptable to the University. This location may be appropriate for private sector developing student accommodation for returning students.
University recognises benefit of allocated Sports and Leisure Park. University will play its part, in liaison with the Council and other stakeholders to attract third party providers and operators.
University supportive of objective of allocating employment land, contiguous with the Knowledge Gateway. Concerned that amount of land and location will fail to achieve full potential that could be made to local economy and employment opportunities
Please see attachment for full submission
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 275
Received: 03/07/2023
Respondent: The University Of Essex
Agent: The JTS Partnership LLP
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Fails to meet requirements of Policy SP9 of the Section 1 Plan in that it fails to allocate land within the GC, to accommodate the University’s expansion, which is at least equivalent in size to the allocation in the former Colchester LDF Site Allocations.
Employment land to the north of the A133 linked to the Knowledge Gateway, should be at least 12ha.
Fails to maximise benefits from continued growth of University and activities linked to the Knowledge Gateway. Inconsistent with Section 1 Policy EC1.
Wivenhoe NP expresses preference for expansion land north of A133 – unacceptable to the University.
Please see attachment for full submission
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 276
Received: 03/07/2023
Respondent: The University Of Essex
Agent: The JTS Partnership LLP
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Those parts of the policy that relate to the University and Knowledge Gateway have not been positively prepared, are not justified, will not be effective and are not consistent with national policy or the Council’s adopted policies.
DPD does not provide full provision for the planned expansion of the University up to the end of the plan period.
University will not develop accommodation for priority student groups, to the north of the A133.
Spatial orientation of employment allocation should be changed, to allow for creation of better links between new employment land and existing Knowledge Gateway and University.
Policy and Policy Map should be amended as shown in attachment.
Part F: Sports and Leisure Park and University of Essex Expansion
An appropriate allocation of developable land is allocated on the ‘Policies Map’ for University Expansion and a new ‘Sports and Leisure Park’, of which the sports and leisure facilities would be available for use by residents and clubs in the existing community and the proposed Garden Community.
In addition to the developable area, the allocation will also include a strong landscaped edge to the south, adjacent to the ‘Wivenhoe Strategic Green Gap’, protecting the character of the surrounding landscape and creating new habitats for a range of biodiversity. It will connect to the wider network of multifunctional green and blue infrastructure and will provide walking/cycling routes serving the Garden Community and its Neighbourhoods’.
Part G: Knowledge-Based Employment Land
Approximately 12 hectares of land north of the A133, opposite the Knowledge Gateway, is allocated on the ‘Policies Map’ for knowledge-based employment purposes to maximise the benefits arising from close proximity to the University of Essex and the existing Knowledge Gateway. This would be attractive to securing business investment whilst encouraging the provision of sustainable travel trips via walking and cycling routes either directly across the A133, or via the ‘Salary Brook Country Park’. Development will be designed and landscaped to make an efficient use of the land available and to ensure an appropriate transition between built development and the open countryside – particularly towards the ‘Salary Brook Country Park’.
Please see attachment for full submission
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 277
Received: 03/07/2023
Respondent: The University Of Essex
Agent: The JTS Partnership LLP
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Councils not in the best position to determine either number or location of additional student bedrooms required to facilitate University’s growth.
Strategy set out in DPD would significantly alter University’s character, ethos and culture in a manner which is unacceptable to the University.
Will not develop its own accommodation north of A133 in South Neighbourhoods. Private sector student accommodation for returning students may be acceptable in this location. Developing majority of student housing in South Neighbourhood would overwhelm communities living there. Policy should be amended as shown in attachment.
Part H Student Accommodation
The University of Essex has long term plans to expand student numbers and to extend its accommodation provision. Accommodation for students in their first year of study and other priority groups will be provided on land identified for University Expansion within the Proposals Map. Other student accommodation will be encouraged in accessible locations within the ‘South Neighbourhood’ where it would have good sustainable links to the University of Essex and where it will contribute to a mixed and diverse community. The size and specification of any student accommodation outside of the expanded Campus will be determined through the Housing Strategy (see Part B) and will be informed by evidence held by the Councils in partnership with the University of Essex.
Please see attachment for full submission