Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 251
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Mr William Sunnucks
Suggested changes to Key Diagram
I suggest that the key diagram in the DPD be changed to
• integrate some of the B1 employment land better with residential to the West of the link road
• relocate the A120 service station into the employment land on the link road, a solution that would work better providing access to the existing service station along a service road
• indicate how the Knowledge Based Employment site alongside the A133 will be accessed by road
Policy GC1 – Land Use
I have three comments:
Clinghoe Hill
I’m worried that the knowledge-based employment land is too close to Clinghoe Hill. Part G needs to require that the buildings are set back, limited in height and landscaped to ensure that the area has a rural or “garden” feel. The objective should be to make the buildings scarcely visible from the road once the surrounding trees reach maturity. My suggestion is consistent with policy SP6 which requires appropriate buffers along strategic roads.
Growing Food
Garden Communities are meant to have opportunities for growing food. Land needs to be set aside for allotments or bigger gardens and the viability numbers adjusted accordingly.
Severance of employment land
The new Business Park is to be located to the East of the site, separated by the link road. I worry that the severance will force people unnecessarily into their cars. While this is necessary for heavy B8 type uses, many jobs are now in offices and workshops which do not need to be severed from housing. The proposed segregation of the Business Park is not justified.