Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM61 (Main)

Representation ID: 292

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

There are ways to ensure no on street parking. I.e. design, red routes and car
bans. So, this modification is unacceptable

Change suggested by respondent:

Leave policy as is

Full text:

There are ways to ensure no on street parking. I.e. design, red routes and car
bans. So, this modification is unacceptable


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM58 (Main)

Representation ID: 293

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

See below

Change suggested by respondent:

The wording in italics should be replaced with 'before any houses are sold'

Full text:

See below


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM57 (Main)

Representation ID: 294

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

See below

Change suggested by respondent:

Replace ‘serve’ with 'directly serve'.

Full text:

See below


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM54 (Main)

Representation ID: 295

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This modification weakens policy.

Change suggested by respondent:

‘Ensure’ is stronger policy and should remain.

Full text:

This modification weakens policy.


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM53 (Main)

Representation ID: 296

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Modal shift has been set. it is for the developer to achieve this, not say new
evidence proves it’s impossible. Otherwise, what is the point of the DPD policy in the first

Change suggested by respondent:

This modification should be removed.

Full text:

Modal shift has been set. it is for the developer to achieve this, not say new
evidence proves it’s impossible. Otherwise, what is the point of the DPD policy in the first


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM51 (Main)

Representation ID: 297

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Location of land uses should be defined by the local authorities in the DPD and not by the developer in a planning
application otherwise it renders the DPD as completely ineffective as a policy document on which applications can be determined.

Change suggested by respondent:

New transport assessment should not have the power to undermine the modal
shift targets or the full build out of the link road before any houses are sold. Additionally the illustrative note in the DPD needs to be removed and land uses should be set via policy.

Full text:

Location of land uses should be defined by the local authorities in the DPD and not by the developer in a planning
application otherwise it renders the DPD as completely ineffective as a policy document on which applications can be determined.


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM47 (Main)

Representation ID: 298

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This modificaion is inadequate.

Change suggested by respondent:

This modification should also specify off-site improvements to health provision
until the needs of new residents can be met on site. Additionally, the strategy outlines
unmet provision for sports provision local off site which should be met by the contractor as
part of any 106 agreement.

Full text:

This modificaion is inadequate.


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM45 (Main)

Representation ID: 299

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This doesn't achieve the objectives set out in the reasoning ie it does not guarantee a doctors surgery on site.

Change suggested by respondent:

The line beginning – ‘A new Health and Wellbeing Hub’ should have the words
‘to be provided in the early phases of development’ reinstated. Additionally, this
modification should state that an onsite dentist practice, that provides NHS spaces for
new and all existing residents, should be included in the first phase of development.

Full text:

This doesn't achieve the objectives set out in the reasoning ie it does not guarantee a doctors surgery on site.


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM44 (Main)

Representation ID: 300

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The modification as it stands is inadequate.

Change suggested by respondent:

Proposals for University/shared sports facilities should be accompanied by
‘Community Use Statement/Plan’ to be agreed by the authorities and which must be
approved as part of any planning permission granted and secured by way of a Community
Use Agreement through an appropriate legal agreement.

Full text:

The modification as it stands is inadequate.


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM42 (Main)

Representation ID: 301

Received: 23/09/2024

Respondent: Wivenhoe Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This is completely unacceptable and undermines the principles of a garden

Change suggested by respondent:

So long as the authorities want to call this a Garden Community it should align with their principles. Therefore it should be Infrastructure first, and the schools should be delivered in line with house building and not post

Full text:

This is completely unacceptable and undermines the principles of a garden

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