Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM60 (Main)
Representation ID: 406
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: Mr Graham Vine
The A133 to A120 link road is vital.
- Good routes to avoid excess Clingoe Hill traffic
- Good link to Harwich/Bathside Bay
- Reduction of problems due to Colchester’s “partial junctions”
- Self-build in the new community should be encouraged
It is vital that the link road between the A133 and the A120 be built and sooner rather than later. It can then be used to transport materials for the construction of the new community, which I fully support. The thought of all the extra traffic using Clingoe Hill, even with the improved public transport, is daunting to say the least. Colchester is already blighted with its “partial junctions” to its north.
In my experience, traffic from the east (eg Clacton, Frinton…) travelling to the west of Colchester (eg to Colchester Institute area) frequently travels along the A12 as far as the A1124 and then doubles-back to junction 27 towards the city, increasing traffic. That’s because junction 27 is one of the “partial junctions”, having no east-bound turn from the west-bound A12.
Another “partial junction” is at the Crown Interchange whereby traffic may enter the city along Newcomen Way but there is no way out of the city using that route. At least an extra little slip road north from the Newcomen Way junction with Stephenson Road to the A12 slip road would allow some traffic to head London-bound out of the industrial estate rather than having to queue along Severals Lane and Ipswich Road.
A similar problem arises due to there being no northern access to junction 28 / Park&Ride. A simple single carriageway link to Boxted Road/Straight Road would encourage use of the PnR from the north as currently the journey from the north to the PnR involves considerable driving, well into the city, in order to then drive back north to get to the PnR. Again, there is no incentive to do so as most users will just think they might as well carry on a little further into the city itself.
In order to encourage the start/completion of badly-needed houses rather than developers sitting on “banked” land that has planning permission, I recommend allocating a large number of plots to self-build applicants. These individuals are highly motivated to complete their properties, unlike some developers. This would make a significant contribution to hitting government targets, along with direct-build by Councils.
Still considering the vital link road between the A133 and the A120, the link to the new community community allowing traffic for the continent to easily access the Dovercourt and Harwich areas should be considered – not all traffic wants to head London-bound. With Bathside Bay being an important development, all communication links should be as high a quality as can be achieved in a reasonable timescale. It is to be hoped that the extensive rebuilding of the A120 over the next 6 months will facilitate the new link road rather than hinder it. Indeed, even an embryonic version of the link would assist in this important resurfacing.