Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM2 (Main)
Representation ID: 416
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Fire & Rescuse
Agent: Fire & Rescuse
With reference to the below paragraph, our Service would like to request the phrase ‘firefighting’ be replaced with the below suggested wording of which we feel fully incorporates all of our Service’s functions -
Mod Ref Part Modification Reason MM2 (Main) Part B Amend fifth para, page 22: EEAST Rep ID.253 To add emergency services
….The councils will work with the University of Essex and other partners as appropriate, to deliver the key infrastructure (health, education, ambulance, police, fire and rescue (prevention, protection and response), and other community
With reference to the below paragraph, our Service would like to request the phrase ‘firefighting’ be replaced with the below suggested wording of which we feel fully incorporates all of our Service’s functions -
Mod Ref Part Modification Reason MM2 (Main) Part B Amend fifth para, page 22: EEAST Rep ID.253 To add emergency services
….The councils will work with the University of Essex and other partners as appropriate, to deliver the key infrastructure (health, education, ambulance, police, fire and rescue (prevention, protection and response), and other community