Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM18 (Main)

Representation ID: 320

Received: 10/10/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Requested changes have been incorporated into policy wording and we consider that our representations have been taken account of satisfactorily, see attachment for further details.

Full text:

Thank you for your consultation on the above dated 10 September 2024.
Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our statutory purpose is to ensure that the
natural environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future
generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.
Habitats Regulations Assessment Modifications Addendum
The Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum (Place Services, 2004) provides a review of the
Inspector’s Schedule of Modifications. Following our response to the Regulation 19 consultation
(our ref: 433247, dated 22 June 2023), we advised that changes were made to policy wording
regarding green infrastructure provision, functionally-linked land and air quality. These changes
have been incorporated into policy wording and we consider that our representations have been
taken account of satisfactorily.
Natural England notes that your authority, as competent authority, has undertaken an appropriate
assessment of the proposal in accordance with regulation 63 of the Conservation of Species and
Habitats Regulations 2017 (as amended). Natural England is a statutory consultee on the
appropriate assessment stage of the Habitats Regulations Assessment process.
Your appropriate assessment concludes that the Inspector’s Schedule of Modifications for the
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community: Development Plan Document will not have any
Adverse Effect On Integrity (AEOI) on any Habitats sites, either alone or in combination with other
plans and projects, with mitigation embedded into the DPD Policy text. Therefore, Tendring District
Council and Colchester City Council can demonstrate that the DPD is legally and procedurally
compliant and sound. Having considered the assessment, and the measures proposed to mitigate
for all identified adverse effects that could potentially occur as a result of the proposal, Natural
England advises that we concur with the assessment conclusions.
Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum: Main Modifications
The SA Addendum report presents an assessment of the implications of the Tendring Colchester
Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD) Main Modifications for the findings
of the May 2023 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) that accompanied Regulation 19 Garden Community
Page 2 of 2
We agree with the revised SA findings for Policy 2: Nature (Table 1.2) as the added requirement for
development proposals to include an air quality assessment will help to limit the potential for air
quality issues to arise in the Garden Community and wider area and, therefore, SA 13: Air Quality
can be strengthened to a significant positive effect.
Modifications for Consultation
We have no further comment on the Modifications for Consultation.
DPD Policies Map Modifications Update
We have no further comment on the updated Policies Map.
We would be happy to comment further should the need arise but if in the meantime you have any
queries please do not hesitate to contact us. For any queries regarding this letter, for new
consultations, or to provide further information on this consultation please send your
correspondences to .



Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM21 (Main)

Representation ID: 321

Received: 10/10/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Requested changes have been incorporated into policy wording and we consider that our representations have been taken account of satisfactorily, see attachment for further details.

Full text:

Thank you for your consultation on the above dated 10 September 2024.
Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our statutory purpose is to ensure that the
natural environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future
generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.
Habitats Regulations Assessment Modifications Addendum
The Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum (Place Services, 2004) provides a review of the
Inspector’s Schedule of Modifications. Following our response to the Regulation 19 consultation
(our ref: 433247, dated 22 June 2023), we advised that changes were made to policy wording
regarding green infrastructure provision, functionally-linked land and air quality. These changes
have been incorporated into policy wording and we consider that our representations have been
taken account of satisfactorily.
Natural England notes that your authority, as competent authority, has undertaken an appropriate
assessment of the proposal in accordance with regulation 63 of the Conservation of Species and
Habitats Regulations 2017 (as amended). Natural England is a statutory consultee on the
appropriate assessment stage of the Habitats Regulations Assessment process.
Your appropriate assessment concludes that the Inspector’s Schedule of Modifications for the
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community: Development Plan Document will not have any
Adverse Effect On Integrity (AEOI) on any Habitats sites, either alone or in combination with other
plans and projects, with mitigation embedded into the DPD Policy text. Therefore, Tendring District
Council and Colchester City Council can demonstrate that the DPD is legally and procedurally
compliant and sound. Having considered the assessment, and the measures proposed to mitigate
for all identified adverse effects that could potentially occur as a result of the proposal, Natural
England advises that we concur with the assessment conclusions.
Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum: Main Modifications
The SA Addendum report presents an assessment of the implications of the Tendring Colchester
Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD) Main Modifications for the findings
of the May 2023 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) that accompanied Regulation 19 Garden Community
Page 2 of 2
We agree with the revised SA findings for Policy 2: Nature (Table 1.2) as the added requirement for
development proposals to include an air quality assessment will help to limit the potential for air
quality issues to arise in the Garden Community and wider area and, therefore, SA 13: Air Quality
can be strengthened to a significant positive effect.
Modifications for Consultation
We have no further comment on the Modifications for Consultation.
DPD Policies Map Modifications Update
We have no further comment on the updated Policies Map.
We would be happy to comment further should the need arise but if in the meantime you have any
queries please do not hesitate to contact us. For any queries regarding this letter, for new
consultations, or to provide further information on this consultation please send your
correspondences to .



Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM24 (Main)

Representation ID: 322

Received: 10/10/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Requested changes have been incorporated into policy wording and we consider that our representations have been taken account of satisfactorily, see attachment for further details.

Full text:

Thank you for your consultation on the above dated 10 September 2024.
Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our statutory purpose is to ensure that the
natural environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future
generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.
Habitats Regulations Assessment Modifications Addendum
The Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum (Place Services, 2004) provides a review of the
Inspector’s Schedule of Modifications. Following our response to the Regulation 19 consultation
(our ref: 433247, dated 22 June 2023), we advised that changes were made to policy wording
regarding green infrastructure provision, functionally-linked land and air quality. These changes
have been incorporated into policy wording and we consider that our representations have been
taken account of satisfactorily.
Natural England notes that your authority, as competent authority, has undertaken an appropriate
assessment of the proposal in accordance with regulation 63 of the Conservation of Species and
Habitats Regulations 2017 (as amended). Natural England is a statutory consultee on the
appropriate assessment stage of the Habitats Regulations Assessment process.
Your appropriate assessment concludes that the Inspector’s Schedule of Modifications for the
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community: Development Plan Document will not have any
Adverse Effect On Integrity (AEOI) on any Habitats sites, either alone or in combination with other
plans and projects, with mitigation embedded into the DPD Policy text. Therefore, Tendring District
Council and Colchester City Council can demonstrate that the DPD is legally and procedurally
compliant and sound. Having considered the assessment, and the measures proposed to mitigate
for all identified adverse effects that could potentially occur as a result of the proposal, Natural
England advises that we concur with the assessment conclusions.
Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum: Main Modifications
The SA Addendum report presents an assessment of the implications of the Tendring Colchester
Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD) Main Modifications for the findings
of the May 2023 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) that accompanied Regulation 19 Garden Community
Page 2 of 2
We agree with the revised SA findings for Policy 2: Nature (Table 1.2) as the added requirement for
development proposals to include an air quality assessment will help to limit the potential for air
quality issues to arise in the Garden Community and wider area and, therefore, SA 13: Air Quality
can be strengthened to a significant positive effect.
Modifications for Consultation
We have no further comment on the Modifications for Consultation.
DPD Policies Map Modifications Update
We have no further comment on the updated Policies Map.
We would be happy to comment further should the need arise but if in the meantime you have any
queries please do not hesitate to contact us. For any queries regarding this letter, for new
consultations, or to provide further information on this consultation please send your
correspondences to .



Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM26 (Main)

Representation ID: 323

Received: 10/10/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Requested changes have been incorporated into policy wording and we consider that our representations have been taken account of satisfactorily, see attachment for further details.

Full text:

Thank you for your consultation on the above dated 10 September 2024.
Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our statutory purpose is to ensure that the
natural environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future
generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.
Habitats Regulations Assessment Modifications Addendum
The Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum (Place Services, 2004) provides a review of the
Inspector’s Schedule of Modifications. Following our response to the Regulation 19 consultation
(our ref: 433247, dated 22 June 2023), we advised that changes were made to policy wording
regarding green infrastructure provision, functionally-linked land and air quality. These changes
have been incorporated into policy wording and we consider that our representations have been
taken account of satisfactorily.
Natural England notes that your authority, as competent authority, has undertaken an appropriate
assessment of the proposal in accordance with regulation 63 of the Conservation of Species and
Habitats Regulations 2017 (as amended). Natural England is a statutory consultee on the
appropriate assessment stage of the Habitats Regulations Assessment process.
Your appropriate assessment concludes that the Inspector’s Schedule of Modifications for the
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community: Development Plan Document will not have any
Adverse Effect On Integrity (AEOI) on any Habitats sites, either alone or in combination with other
plans and projects, with mitigation embedded into the DPD Policy text. Therefore, Tendring District
Council and Colchester City Council can demonstrate that the DPD is legally and procedurally
compliant and sound. Having considered the assessment, and the measures proposed to mitigate
for all identified adverse effects that could potentially occur as a result of the proposal, Natural
England advises that we concur with the assessment conclusions.
Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum: Main Modifications
The SA Addendum report presents an assessment of the implications of the Tendring Colchester
Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD) Main Modifications for the findings
of the May 2023 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) that accompanied Regulation 19 Garden Community
Page 2 of 2
We agree with the revised SA findings for Policy 2: Nature (Table 1.2) as the added requirement for
development proposals to include an air quality assessment will help to limit the potential for air
quality issues to arise in the Garden Community and wider area and, therefore, SA 13: Air Quality
can be strengthened to a significant positive effect.
Modifications for Consultation
We have no further comment on the Modifications for Consultation.
DPD Policies Map Modifications Update
We have no further comment on the updated Policies Map.
We would be happy to comment further should the need arise but if in the meantime you have any
queries please do not hesitate to contact us. For any queries regarding this letter, for new
consultations, or to provide further information on this consultation please send your
correspondences to .


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