Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM7 (Main)
Representation ID: 314
Received: 23/09/2024
Respondent: Mr Adam Hall
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
I attended the recent Joint Committee Meeting.
The meeting it became clear that a formal decision had been made to remove Crockleford Heath from the APC Neighbourhood plan.
This has taken away my democratic right as I do not have a Neighbourhood plan on which I can vote.
I am now very concerned about the modifications in the document.
In particular the demotion of the aim for 50% open space the failure to specify the area of the Green buffers between the three Neighbourhoods and Crockleford Heath residents the modification MM7.
To stop the proposed development and review the whole DP as it is not compliant.
I attended the recent Joint Committee Meeting.
The meeting it became clear that a formal decision had been made to remove Crockleford Heath from the APC Neighbourhood plan.
This has taken away my democratic right as I do not have a Neighbourhood plan on which I can vote.
I am now very concerned about the modifications in the document.
In particular the demotion of the aim for 50% open space the failure to specify the area of the Green buffers between the three Neighbourhoods and Crockleford Heath residents the modification MM7.