Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM6 (Main)

Representation ID: 280

Received: 20/09/2024

Respondent: Mrs Anne Thornhill

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The government has provided the funding for the link road, therefore there is no consultation in phases required. There is already a need for the road now, hence the funding. Build the link road, with corresponding roundabouts, so that the impact on local communities is in part mitigated, by giving all those construction lorries, clear access to the A120 and not via A133. Locals, except some Council members, all believe the new rapid transport road is a joke, a total waste of money. We need the bypass, to improve our lives now.

Change suggested by respondent:

Document should state vehicular access MUST be via new link road. Inference no link road, no new houses.

Full text:

The government has provided the funding for the link road, therefore there is no consultation in phases required. There is already a need for the road now, hence the funding. Build the link road, with corresponding roundabouts, so that the impact on local communities is in part mitigated, by giving all those construction lorries, clear access to the A120 and not via A133. Locals, except some Council members, all believe the new rapid transport road is a joke, a total waste of money. We need the bypass, to improve our lives now.


Inspector's Schedule of Modifications

MM10 (Main)

Representation ID: 281

Received: 20/09/2024

Respondent: Mrs Anne Thornhill

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

There is no "proposed 'Wivenhoe Strategic Green Gap' ". There is a Wivenhoe gap or protected green belt land, as voted on by the community in village plan, in a legally binding referendum.

Change suggested by respondent:

The word proposed should be removed and "existing legal" should be inserted. Thus removing any doubt, that it can ever be built on.

Full text:

There is no "proposed 'Wivenhoe Strategic Green Gap' ". There is a Wivenhoe gap or protected green belt land, as voted on by the community in village plan, in a legally binding referendum.

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