Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM11 (Main)
Representation ID: 433
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
MM11 – We remain concerned at the urbanizing effects of substantial parking facilities in this space south of the A133, and would stress nowhere in the evidence base is there support for the principle that there is sufficient area of land for both this parking facility and the sport and recreation grounds to meet open space requirements.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM12 (Main)
Representation ID: 434
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
MM12 – We’re very concerned that the suggested modification uses the term phases – plural, instead of first phase, as without an infallible phasing plan this is undefined and could refer to a significant number of houses. AS the modification is suggested its ineffective planning language. We would also query the logic behind removing the association between the park and chose and RTS becoming operational, as even if this is significantly before the first residential phases this could provide meaningful benefits, both reducing local traffic and mitigating some effects of construction.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM13 (Minor)
Representation ID: 435
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
MM13 – correction of typo. Support.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM20 (Main)
Representation ID: 436
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
MM20 – support dual purpose street furniture addition.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM21 (Main)
Representation ID: 437
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
MM21 – we remain concerned that wintering bird surveys have not adequately assessed the site prior the DPDs submission, and query how this may constitute an evidence based approach. We welcome natural England’s additional modification to reinforce the protections.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM90 (Main)
Representation ID: 438
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
MM90 – we are disappointed at this last minute modification that we believe constitutes a substantial alteration to the DPD. The prerogative of the garden community to meet an exemplary standard cannot be maintained when such important metrics of sustainability are watered down with minimal consultation such that they meet only the minimum standards.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM23 (Main)
Representation ID: 439
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
MM23 – we welcome the strengthened language for this policy.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM24 (Main)
Representation ID: 440
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
MM24 – support natural England’s clarification.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM25 (Main)
Representation ID: 441
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
MM25 – support strengthen and clarified wording.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM26 (Main)
Representation ID: 442
Received: 24/10/2024
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Agent: Elmstead Parish Council
MM26 support natural England’s addition to improve air quality.
Strengthened policy wording to ensure policies are effective and not merely suggestive.
Updated traffic modelling and re-examination of transport and movement policies to form an effective, evidence based approach.
Completion of the full link road, to be operational before domestic development commences. (as promised in previous rounds of consultation, and removed without adequate opportunity for additional input)
Integrated phasing plan overview enshrined in policy. Updated viability study to confirm potential proposal is above viability threshold as currently queried in evidence base: financial viability study confirms a 15% profit on cost was approved during section 1, appropriate range reduced to 10-14% but the same document establishes liability at 9.65% - below acceptable thresholds and which we believe will only have fallen further due to changing economic circumstance. By the DPDs own evidence base’s assertion – it does not meet the threshold to be viable.
While we support a number of modifications suggested by statutory bodies such as natural England and sport England, we have listed numerous concerns where policy wording is being unnecessarily weakened to the extent it is no longer effective.
As noted there a small number of modifications we believe contradict one another with regards to effective transport planning, and require significant changes, or the omission of illustrative mapping with no planning purpose that obfuscate the policies they’re intended to support.
We remain concerned that an evidence based approach has not been taken with regards to effective transport and movement, especially given the reasoning for main matter 63 which itself concludes the existing traffic modelling is fundamentally flawed. This, and other modifications require substantial changes that need additional evidence, and further consultation to constitute a proper plan making process.
We can only reiterate representations made at the examination in public that we believe too much detail has been pushed to later stages of the planning process, which is supported by the numerous reasonings suggesting policy must be loosened to allow for a wider flexibility.