Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
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Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM18 (Main)
Representation ID: 399
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: TCBGC Community Liaison Group
Agent: Mrs Manda O'Connell
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? Yes
Duty to co-operate? Yes
There are some missing words and an incorrect reference, it is believed, to Salary Brook Local Nature Reserve which should instead be referring to the eastern slopes of Salary Brook up to and including the ancient woodland at the top of those slopes proposed for inclusion in the new Country Park.
Proposals will be required to provide an appropriate amount of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), in accordance with Natural England (NE) guidance. This will reduce the amount of day-to-day recreational trips to the protected habitat sites [insert 'along the'] Essex coast. Proposals to incorporate SANG within the new Country Park will be supported where they conform to the principles of the Strategic Masterplan and where evidence, including visitor surveys, is provided to demonstrate that the [omit Salary Brook Local Nature Reserve and replace with 'eastern slopes of Salary Brook up to and incorporating the ancient woodland and including public rights of way proposed for inclusion in the new Country Park'] has sufficient capacity to accommodate any increased visitor usage proposed in order to count towards SANG provision. 10 The Council will work with Natural England, landowners and stakeholders to agree the extent of SANG provision for each phase of the Garden Community, which must link into a wider network of footpaths, green infrastructure and public open space. Proposals must demonstrate how SANG, and access to it, will be provided for each relevant phase of the development, including access to temporary SANG where required.
There are some missing words and an incorrect reference, it is believed, to Salary Brook Local Nature Reserve which should instead be referring to the eastern slopes of Salary Brook up to and including the ancient woodland at the top of those slopes proposed for inclusion in the new Country Park.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM36 (Minor)
Representation ID: 400
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: TCBGC Community Liaison Group
Agent: Mrs Manda O'Connell
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
The example locations that the RTS will serve should include Colchester North Station, which is currently omitted. Please amend wording to include as this will be a key destination for those commuting from the TCBGC.
To include and refer to Colchester North Station as one of the RTS stops.
The example locations that the RTS will serve should include Colchester North Station, which is currently omitted. Please amend wording to include as this will be a key destination for those commuting from the TCBGC.
Inspector's Schedule of Modifications
MM73 (Main)
Representation ID: 401
Received: 21/10/2024
Respondent: TCBGC Community Liaison Group
Agent: Mrs Manda O'Connell
Along with these provisions for water efficiency, there should be included measures to deal with risk of flood and suitable drainage to avoid. This is being overlooked in the construction of RTS route down Clingoe Hill with the construction of huge water tanks to catch storm drain waters from the carriageway, to then be emptied into Salary Brook waterway, which is already flooded 4-5 months of the year in and beyond the underpass beneath Clingoe Hill. This will only get worse causing severe flooding without the necessary measures (ditching etc) to prevent.
Along with these provisions for water efficiency, there should be included measures to deal with risk of flood and suitable drainage to avoid. This is being overlooked in the construction of RTS route down Clingoe Hill with the construction of huge water tanks to catch storm drain waters from the carriageway, to then be emptied into Salary Brook waterway, which is already flooded 4-5 months of the year in and beyond the underpass beneath Clingoe Hill. This will only get worse causing severe flooding without the necessary measures (ditching etc) to prevent.