Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
GC Policy 7. Movement and Connections
Representation ID: 65
Received: 16/06/2023
Respondent: Mrs Linda Forth
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Imperative to build the "through road" first with construction traffic operating from A120 NOT A133 as this is a very congested road; not safe or viable to increase traffic even more down here.
Imperative to phase the building works from A120, not A133, with proper slip roads from A120 as the access via A133 is not safe and will cause long term serious congestion.
Ensure Rapid Transit System and "through road" operational before start of these construction phases. RTS would need an extra lane on A133. It caters for the new garden community residents and not people travelling into Colchester from Tendering and surrounding areas, so will not improve traffic flow in that respect and it is already dangerously congested. Wivenhoe is the nearest railway station to the garden community, with the university running a regular bus service to it. It is a conservation area with very narrow roads, a weak railway bridge to cross and very narrow pavements. The RTS will not deter the new residents from trying to drive to Wivenhoe Station to commute rather than to Colchester Station. Naive to think they will choose to work on the site itself and the current Park&Ride in Colchester is barely used as it is, so why will the RTS be any different? 7000 new homes need bespoke doctors and dentists surgeries, not just regular visits to their local community centre as is currently proposed. Employment on site, please allow sufficient parking at the business park, bearing in mind people from outside the garden community may choose to work there and the RTS is planned to start from there and not from a park & ride on the eastern side of the development? 7000 houses/flats will result in parking issues. Ensure sufficient parking per household and enough space on roads for parking. People will continue to own cars, unless they're banned!! Environment/Nature - careful timing and handling of wildlife issues imperative.
Imperative to build the "through road" first with construction traffic operating from A120 NOT A133 as this is a very congested road; not safe or viable to increase traffic even more down here.