Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 55
Received: 07/06/2023
Respondent: Mr Ian Yexley
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
The plan needs to be completed and published in much more detail.
The A133 to A120 link road must be built before any housing is started.
Traffic impact on A133 through Elmstead during building phases to be analyzed and published including lorry movements etc.
The plan needs far more detail on it's eastern edge where the buffer zone between it and Elmstead Market is being shown. As a recent resident of Elmstead Market I have read the "local plan" before I moved here and it clearly states a significant buffer zone would be in place between the eastern boundary of the new garden community involving woodlands, other new planted areas and landscaping - none of this is clear on the current plan.
The plan is currently posted as "Broad" and needs to be more focused and complete before people can really see how it will impact them and their communities. I need to see roads named on plans, routes for new roads fully agreed and boundaries finalized before any really constructive comments can be submitted, particularly those for the buffer zone between the new development and the western edge of Elmstead Market. The proposal for the new A133 to A120 link road needs to be firmed up and built before any housing is started or Elmstead Market will be come a no go zone because of traffic levels and have a serious detrimental impact on the local population. The rush hour delays into Colchester on Clingoe Hill are already a headache for locals and any further negative impact on traffic will have a serious impact on Elmstead. The very significant level of daily lorry movements throughout the whole of the plans lifecycle needs to be published along with an agreement that weekend lorry movements will not be used to provide some respite to locals using the local road network.