Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 40
Received: 04/06/2023
Respondent: Mrs Carolyn Mason
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? Yes
Duty to co-operate? Yes
The Draft Plan identified an ‘Area of Special Character’ at and around the settlement of Crockleford Heath, aimed at safeguarding its distinctive rural character. This will be destroyed by the development of up to 1200 houses. The Parish of Ardleigh has less than1000 households. Concentrate on extending the county park aspect further, within Crockleford, to maintain its rural characteristics. Compensate the land lost to recent large housing development along the Salary Brook. Extension of a country park would mitigate this loss. Local food production for the whole community could be provided in the existing agricultural/horticultural land. Keep it rural.
Drastically reduce the proposed housing development of Crockleford to bare minimum to keep its recognised rural characteristics but increase public access through larger country park and local food production in this area of the Garden Community.
The local road network will simply not accommodate any increase in housing and it is unlikely that should 1200 houses be built in Crockleford that people would access the transport provided further afield.
The Draft Plan identified an ‘Area of Special Character’ at and around the settlement of Crockleford Heath, aimed at safeguarding its distinctive rural character. This will be destroyed by the development of up to 1200 houses. The Parish of Ardleigh has less than1000 households. Concentrate on extending the county park aspect further, within Crockleford, to maintain its rural characteristics. Compensate the land lost to recent large housing development along the Salary Brook. Extension of a country park would mitigate this loss. Local food production for the whole community could be provided in the existing agricultural/horticultural land. Keep it rural.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 41
Received: 04/06/2023
Respondent: Mrs Carolyn Mason
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? Yes
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Crockleford has already been identified as having special characteristics within an agricultural/historical setting. It will be destroyed by the proposed 1000/1200 houses. Extend public access to a larger country park covering the whole of Crockleford, retaining some land for local food production. This is some of the best growing land in the country. The landscape and rural nature will simply not be replaced by any amount of biodiversity net gain! It already exists! Think creatively about how food can be grown locally by local people and use the land already there. Don't cover it in dense housing development.
There has already been land irreversably lost along Salary Brook to unsustainable large housing development. Land that was once part of the ancient valley of Salary Brook and access by all to enjoy the wildlife and flora. This should be compensated for by committing to extending the country park further. Extend the size of the country park into Crockleford.
The Garden Community should mazimise the amount of land provided for local food production around Crockleford. This is top quality land that is at risk of being lost forever, at a time of climate crisis, when our country should be looking at safe and sustainable food production. Innovative ways could be developed to provide sustainable food sources for local people that could also provide local employment opportunities.
Crockleford has already been identified as having special characteristics within an agricultural/historical setting. It will be destroyed by the proposed 1000/1200 houses. Extend public access to a larger country park covering the whole of Crockleford, retaining some land for local food production. This is some of the best growing land in the country. The landscape and rural nature will simply not be replaced by any amount of biodiversity net gain! It already exists! Think creatively about how food can be grown locally by local people and use the land already there. Don't cover it in dense housing development.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 42
Received: 04/06/2023
Respondent: Mrs Carolyn Mason
When thinking about local jobs consider local food production. Crockleford, rather than becoming another housing development, instead should be considered for food production, as well as providing public access to an extended country park. The land is top quality agricultural/horticultural land and has historically been a fruit growing area. Locally, there are vegetables, top and soft fruit, salad and vineyards grown commercially. Consider local cooperatives, employing local people that could provide sustainable, local food for the Garden Community.
Crockelford has special characteristics developed over centuries around horticulture and agriculture that should be sustained and not destroyed.
When thinking about local jobs consider local food production. Crockleford, rather than becoming another housing development, instead should be considered for food production, as well as providing public access to an extended country park. The land is top quality agricultural/horticultural land and has historically been a fruit growing area. Locally, there are vegetables, top and soft fruit, salad and vineyards grown commercially. Consider local cooperatives, employing local people that could provide sustainable, local food for the Garden Community.
Crockelford has special characteristics developed over centuries around horticulture and agriculture that should be sustained and not destroyed.