Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
GC Policy 7. Movement and Connections
Representation ID: 38
Received: 02/06/2023
Respondent: Miss Deborah Jones
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Transport links must be improved for all residents in the area, not just those within the proposed development.
Expecting families or working-age residents not to own or use one or more vehicles is unrealistic.
Existing cycle routes in the city are ignored, so how is the very hilly proposed development area going to be any different?
Horse riding is mentioned more than once, where are these horses going to be kept, and who can afford to own one?
Please consider how existing villages and towns outside the proposed development will be integrated. Transport links must be improved for all residents, not just those within the proposed development. There does not seem to be any joined-up thinking, or consideration for how the proposed development will impact existing infrastructure and services.
There is not enough employment locally so many people will travel outside the city. It is unrealistic to expect people to only work on their doorstep, and not to own or use a car for travelling distances. If families rely on parents/grandparents for childcare, how will these visitors access the development as they will not necessarily live locally? Expecting visitors to walk up to 20 minutes or use public transport after travelling some distance would be unpopular, impractical, and potentially impossible for some.
There are many cycle routes around the city already, the majority are ignored. The hills around the city are huge, and the proposed development is miles from anywhere. Cycling will not be popular, and is impractical as a sole transport option for many.
Why promote horse-riding as a travel option? Where are all these horses, and who could afford the stabling and upkeep? Maybe a few residents would possibly choose horse-riding as a leisure pursuit, but not as a viable sustainable transport option.
1. Transport links must be improved for all residents in the area, not just those within the proposed development.
2. Where are the doctors surgeries, dentists, community health and social care providers, nurseries/childcare to be located?
3. Expecting families or working-age residents not to own or use one or more vehicles is unrealistic.
4. Existing cycle routes in the city are ignored, so how is the very hilly proposed development area going to be any different?
5. Horse riding is mentioned more than once, where are these horses going to be kept, and who can afford to own one?
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 54
Received: 02/06/2023
Respondent: Miss Deborah Jones
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Where are the doctors surgeries, dentists, community health and social care providers, nurseries/childcare to be located?
There does not seem to be any joined-up thinking, or consideration for how the proposed development will impact existing infrastructure and services. Schools are shown on the plan, but where are other necessary care and support services? Healthcare services in the city are already stretched beyond their limit, having thousands more residents without additional infrastructure, established in advance, is dangerous and prejudicial.
1. Transport links must be improved for all residents in the area, not just those within the proposed development.
2. Where are the doctors surgeries, dentists, community health and social care providers, nurseries/childcare to be located?
3. Expecting families or working-age residents not to own or use one or more vehicles is unrealistic.
4. Existing cycle routes in the city are ignored, so how is the very hilly proposed development area going to be any different?
5. Horse riding is mentioned more than once, where are these horses going to be kept, and who can afford to own one?