Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
GC Policy 7. Movement and Connections
Representation ID: 25
Received: 30/05/2023
Respondent: Gemma Robinson
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Why do we need a link road?
Please don’t say to reduce traffic when you are building the GC with 9000 homes averaging 27.000 people, not including the Industrial and travellers site and shops.
If this monstrosity was NOT being built we would not need this link road! A village meaning a "rural area" which this will be taken away from our village life! I moved to the countryside meaning "the land and scenery of a rural area" which is now being taken away from us and children of Elmstead. I cannot understand why an unfinished road that is costing £50 Million to build when the whole county/country is in poverty! Just because the council have a "pot" of money that you "need" to use otherwise it goes to another county, is not acceptable!
Distribute the money out to those that need it and change lives for the better! This is disgraceful behaviour from the council!
Why do we need a link road?
Please do not say to reduce traffic when you are building the Garden community with 9000 homes averaging on over 27.000 people, not including the Industrial site, the traveller's site and shops.
If this monstrosity was NOT being built we would not need this link road!
A village meaning a "rural area" which this will be taken away from our village life! If I wanted to live in a built up area I would have stayed where I was before. But I moved to the country side meaning "the land and scenery of a rural area" which is now being taken away from us and children! Of Elmstead Market Village.
I can not understand if this goes ahead which I pray to God that it doesn't, why an unfinished road that is costing £50 Million to build when the whole county/ country is in poverty! And just because the council have a "pot" of money that you "need" to use otherwise it goes to another county , is not acceptable!.
Distribute the money out to those that need it and will change lives for the better! This is disgraceful behaviour from the council!.
Perhaps step away from your office and sit in your garden and see how lovely it is and then the council and developers saying "we are building a 'community ' of over 27,000 people, killing wild life and an A road that will create a lot of noise air pollution and disturbance and lots more and its only 1/2 mile away from your home!" How would that make you feel?.
Please do not ruin this county any more that you already have.
Its heartbreaking to think this will happen and ruin people's lives and health that already live nearby.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 30
Received: 30/05/2023
Respondent: Gemma Robinson
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Perhaps step away from your office and sit in your garden and see how lovely it is and then the council and developers saying "we are building a 'community ' of over 27,000 people, killing wild life and an A road that will create a lot of noise air pollution and disturbance and lots more and its only 1/2 mile away from your home!" How would that make you feel?.
Please do not ruin this county any more that you already have.
Its heartbreaking to think this will happen and ruin people's lives and health that already live nearby.
Why do we need a link road?
Please do not say to reduce traffic when you are building the Garden community with 9000 homes averaging on over 27.000 people, not including the Industrial site, the traveller's site and shops.
If this monstrosity was NOT being built we would not need this link road!
A village meaning a "rural area" which this will be taken away from our village life! If I wanted to live in a built up area I would have stayed where I was before. But I moved to the country side meaning "the land and scenery of a rural area" which is now being taken away from us and children! Of Elmstead Market Village.
I can not understand if this goes ahead which I pray to God that it doesn't, why an unfinished road that is costing £50 Million to build when the whole county/ country is in poverty! And just because the council have a "pot" of money that you "need" to use otherwise it goes to another county , is not acceptable!.
Distribute the money out to those that need it and will change lives for the better! This is disgraceful behaviour from the council!.
Perhaps step away from your office and sit in your garden and see how lovely it is and then the council and developers saying "we are building a 'community ' of over 27,000 people, killing wild life and an A road that will create a lot of noise air pollution and disturbance and lots more and its only 1/2 mile away from your home!" How would that make you feel?.
Please do not ruin this county any more that you already have.
Its heartbreaking to think this will happen and ruin people's lives and health that already live nearby.