Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 19
Received: 29/05/2023
Respondent: Ms L G
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Far too many houses for infrastructure. Local hospital can’t cope, GP surgeries are stretched to breaking point, schools are full with competition for any spaces. Traffic is building and dangerous, no speed limit enforcement with cameras in place. Impossible to pull out of side roads onto main road safely. Air pollution building to health impacting levels. 1000+ houses with no investment in local services is a catastrophic burden on an already exhausted and depleted community and local services that cannot cope now. This development will break those services and people will be impacted negatively.
Reduce the number of houses. Invest in local services for every X number of houses built, put in a doctors, police, school, fire service etc.
Far too many houses for infrastructure. Local hospital can’t cope, GP surgeries are stretched to breaking point, schools are full with competition for any spaces. Traffic is building and dangerous, no speed limit enforcement with cameras in place. Impossible to pull out of side roads onto main road safely. Air pollution building to health impacting levels. 1000+ houses with no investment in local services is a catastrophic burden on an already exhausted and depleted community and local services that cannot cope now. This development will break those services and people will be impacted negatively.