Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 18
Received: 25/05/2023
Respondent: Mr Carl Banks
Legally compliant? No
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
The scope of the development is too large and does not sufficiently protect the integrity and identity of Elmstead. There is already a lack of basic infrastructure, traffic has already increased and there are often delays on Clingoe Hill, this plan will add significantly to these issues. I have lived in the village over 2 years and am unable to register at the local doctors surgery this plan does not provide necessary services ahead of development it just adds to the problems. The air quality and noise pollution will increase to an unacceptable level. I fully object to the plan.
Improve roads and basic infrastructure before development to account for all the previous development.
Reduce scope of development by 25% and allow at least one clear mile between development and Elmstead.
Develop new junction on A120 first so that site traffic does not have to travel through Elmstead village.
Scrap industrial park to preserve integrity of church and surroundings and to reduce impact on noise and air quality
The scope of the development is too large and does not sufficiently protect the integrity and identity of Elmstead. There is already a lack of basic infrastructure, traffic has already increased and there are often delays on Clingoe Hill, this plan will add significantly to these issues. I have lived in the village over 2 years and am unable to register at the local doctors surgery this plan does not provide necessary services ahead of development it just adds to the problems. The air quality and noise pollution will increase to an unacceptable level. I fully object to the plan.