Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 116
Received: 21/06/2023
Respondent: Mrs Helen Byrne
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
- The new houses would place increased pressure on existing schools in Elmstead Market. New schools need to be built first.
- There is a lack of existing healthcare facilities, bringing more people in to the area without purpose built facilities will make this worse.
- New primary school(s) to be built prior to homes being occupied.
Since the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community was proposed, significant development has already taken place and continues to do so in the village of Elmstead Market. This has already placed pressure on Elmstead Primary School and caused increased traffic.
Parking at Elmstead Primary School can be unsafe due to the volume of parents driving in to school. In the initial phase of development children from the new houses will need to attend existing schools unless the new schools are built first.
It would be place additional pressure on Elmstead Primary which is already at capacity. Traffic levels from parents bringing children to the school would increase and parking would be very challenging.
At present traffic from Elmstead going into Colchester and beyond via the A133 is heavy and there can be significant delays at peak times. The additional traffic caused by the new development would be negative and result in increased wait times to travel into Colchester and beyond. This would have an impact of increasing air pollution and reduce quality of life for residents. The new link road would potentially not be built for a considerable time and the period in the lead up to it's use would be awful for those travelling and those affected by the air
Provision of healthcare is challenging to the current volume of residents in Elmstead Market.
There is a lack of GP provision, long wait for urgent care and no NHS dentistry. Bringing considerably more people into the area and there are inadequate facilities to manage. Using flexible spaces within centres is sensible for some NHS provision, but for many services they need purpose built facilities and equipment. The recruitment challenges within the NHS mean that already existing services have vacancies. So even if new facilities were included this would be an issue.
Proposed Modifications:
- New primary school(s) to be built prior to homes being occupied.
- Reduction in volume of houses to impact on traffic/air pollution.
- New road must be built early on in development.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
GC Policy 7. Movement and Connections
Representation ID: 117
Received: 21/06/2023
Respondent: Mrs Helen Byrne
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
At present traffic from Elmstead going into Colchester and beyond via the A133 is heavy and there can be significant delays at peak times. The additional traffic caused by the new development would be negative and result in increased wait times to travel into Colchester and beyond. This would have an impact of increasing air pollution and reduce quality of life for residents. The new link road would potentially not be built for a considerable time and the period in the lead up to it's use would be awful for those travelling and those affected by the air
- Reduction in volume of houses to impact on traffic/air pollution.
- New road must be built early on in development.
Since the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community was proposed, significant development has already taken place and continues to do so in the village of Elmstead Market. This has already placed pressure on Elmstead Primary School and caused increased traffic.
Parking at Elmstead Primary School can be unsafe due to the volume of parents driving in to school. In the initial phase of development children from the new houses will need to attend existing schools unless the new schools are built first.
It would be place additional pressure on Elmstead Primary which is already at capacity. Traffic levels from parents bringing children to the school would increase and parking would be very challenging.
At present traffic from Elmstead going into Colchester and beyond via the A133 is heavy and there can be significant delays at peak times. The additional traffic caused by the new development would be negative and result in increased wait times to travel into Colchester and beyond. This would have an impact of increasing air pollution and reduce quality of life for residents. The new link road would potentially not be built for a considerable time and the period in the lead up to it's use would be awful for those travelling and those affected by the air
Provision of healthcare is challenging to the current volume of residents in Elmstead Market.
There is a lack of GP provision, long wait for urgent care and no NHS dentistry. Bringing considerably more people into the area and there are inadequate facilities to manage. Using flexible spaces within centres is sensible for some NHS provision, but for many services they need purpose built facilities and equipment. The recruitment challenges within the NHS mean that already existing services have vacancies. So even if new facilities were included this would be an issue.
Proposed Modifications:
- New primary school(s) to be built prior to homes being occupied.
- Reduction in volume of houses to impact on traffic/air pollution.
- New road must be built early on in development.