Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 218
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Dr & Mrs Roy J Crooks
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
- Planned development is much too large
- Clingoe Hill is congested already
- Green space at Salary Brook has already been developed at the Bromley Road end (Crockleford Hill)
- What happens to the bluebell wood and to the central green reservation and trees on Clingoe Hill (St Andrew’s Ave)?
- Colchester is already congested with traffic from major new developments in other directions
- The Hospital is already struggling to cope and has been in and out of special measures
- We understand the local schools are at capacity.
We wish to register the following concerns:
1. the planned development is much too large
2. Clingoe Hill, A133, is congested already
3. The green space at Salary Brook has already been developed at the Bromley Road end (Crockleford Hill)
4. What would happen to the bluebell wood (Home Wood) which gives annual pleasure to local residents?
5. What would happen to the central green reservation and trees on Clingoe Hill (St Andrew’s Ave)?
6. Colchester is already congested with traffic from major new developments in other directions
7. The Hospital is already struggling to cope and has been in and out of special measures
8. We understand the local schools are at capacity.