Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 180
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
- Policy is inward looking – doesn’t address impact on nearby communities.
Part A
- Number of new homes is ambiguous
- Wivenhoe Strategic Green Gap is in parish of Elmstead.
Part B
- Statements about phasing are unclear/ineffective.
- Neighbourhoods having distinctive character could lead to segregated communities
- Density too high.
- Transport links gives greater connectivity to Colchester than Tendring.
- Incompatible with GC principles
- Unclear how RTS will interact with the link road.
- Infrastructure required before neighbourhood centres are complete.
- Neighbourhoods too close to ancient woodland.
- Policy for Crockleford doesn’t protect residents of the wider area.
Part C
- Salary Brook Country Park biases Colchester’s benefit
- Existing new development on Bromley Road already causes coalescence with Colchester
Part D
- Wivenhoe SGG is important to Elmstead.
Part E
- Location of business park will harm Grade 1 listed building
- Elmstead SGG isn’t big enough.
Part F
- Sports facilities unsuitable for SGG
Part G
- Site too small for transition to countryside
- Impact on ancient woodland
Part H
- Employment area will harm setting of listed building.
- Shouldn’t be on eastern side of link road.
Part J
- Need additional park and choose facility to north of site.
Part K
- EPC want to be more involved with masterplanning.
- Concern over density.
- Policy should address impact on nearby communities.
Part A
- Policy should give an absolute range of acceptable housing numbers.
- Student accommodation should be defined and included in this figure.
- Policy 1 part D should recognise that Eastern area of Wivenhoe Strategic Green Gap is also important to Elmstead.
Part B
- A definitive phasing proposal is required.
- Remove requirement for neighbourhoods to be distinct.
- Transport links should give greater connection to the surrounding area, not just towards Colchester.
- Need clarification around how RTS will interact with the link road.
- Greater clarity required about infrastructure phasing, as interim solutions will be detrimental to things like education.
- Greater buffers around ancient woodland
- Lower density in Crockleford Neighbourhood is needed.
- Remove reference to self-build houses, as this will give existing community less control
Part C
- Salary Brook Country Park doesn’t need to be completely delivered at the earliest phases of development.
Part D
- Importance of Wivenhoe SGG to Elmstead should be included.
Part E
- Listed buildings should be given greater protection within Strategic Green Gap, employment area should be in a different location.
- All countryside between link road and Elmstead Market should be SGG.
- Require greater detail about what development is and isn’t suitable in this location.
Part F
- Extend Wivenhoe SGG to fortify green link and protect woodland.
Part G
- Change location of employment area.
Part J
- Additional park and choose facility to north of site to serve the A120.
Part K
- Lower range of houses more suitable.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
The complete document is also attached at the next step.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 181
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
- Question the use of the word beautiful in official planning policy.
- Respecting existing character should not be secondary to creating unique/distinctive neighbourhoods.
Part B
- Concern that re-prioritising parking will be detrimental in the mid-term.
Part C
- Design quality requirements is too brief and ambiguous.
Part D
- Street lighting should be directional to avoid light pollution.
- Designing out crime in GC will push crime into Elmstead.
Part G
- High housing density in conflict with adequate private amenity space.
Part H
- Impact of employment area will harm setting of Elmstead church.
- Non-listed heritage assets need extra protection.
Part I
- Heritage assets should be within an expanded Strategic Green Gap.
- Need further explanation around GC being ‘self sufficient’
- HIA is insufficient.
Part B
- Less emphasis on de-prioritising parking.
Part C
- Greater clarity required regarding design quality – e.g. how many trees are required for a ‘tree-lined street’.
- Need an early, innovative approach to a centralised, efficient waste solution scheme.
Part D
- Additional wording to require directional street lighting.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 182
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Part D
- Repeats concerns around density and viability.
Part E
- Self-build should be provided elsewhere in the GC where there won’t be such stringent design code requirements.
Part H
- Concerned about 2,000 units of student accommodation in addition to 7,500 homes.
- High density is not justified other than by figures carried forward from earlier stages.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 183
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
- Higher target of jobs per household is required.
Part A
- Concerned phasing of business accommodation is tied to occupation of housing, but education and healthcare are not.
Part C
- Employment land should be available to public services if necessary in short to mid term.
- Although employment land must be near A120 link road, it does not have to be East of it.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 184
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
- Concerns that existing communities who steward the land are being excluded from long-term stewardship considerations.
- Governance and future is too uncertain.
- Concerns over consultation process.
- A neighbourhood can only have one ‘centre’.
Part C
- Concern that Elmstead Primary School has not engaged in plan making process.
- Concerns around phasing of education provision, and pressure on existing facilities in the short term.
- Additional capacity needed to ease existing pressures.
- ‘up to five new primary schools’ is imprecise, and a definite link to phasing is required whereas ‘at least five new… early years and childcare facilities’ is better.
- A single secondary school is more efficient and suitable.
Part E
- Single health hub doesn’t accord with 20-minute neighbourhood principle
- Details are imprecise, need greater emphasis on healthcare provision.
- Need provision for other healthcare facilities such as dentists and pharmacies.
Part F
- More robust and conclusive approach to stewardship is required at an early stage.
Part G
- Developers should not be proposing phasing – LPAs should take the lead.
- Assessing need for healthcare provision separately for each proposal is inefficient and can lead to inequality and poor supply.
- An alternative name should be found for groups of services and facilities outside of the neighbourhood ‘centre’.
Part C
- More precise wording needed regarding number and phasing of primary schools e.g. “one new primary school for every 1500 new dwellings”.
- More detail around phasing of secondary school required.
Part E
- More precise detail around phasing of health provision needed.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
GC Policy 7. Movement and Connections
Representation ID: 185
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
- Existing congestion in Elmstead village will be made worse. NO proposal to improve A133 in this location.
- Should make sustainable travel easier, not private car journeys harder.
- Streets should be primarily for travel, not play.
- Travel connections biased towards Colchester.
- Only connection to Tendring is by car.
- Concerns around illustrative plan, irregularities around access to southern neighbourhood and dead end connections, pedestrian connections over A133, indirect route of cycle route in north east.
Part A
- Unclear language and meaning.
- Modal share targets should be stronger and more aspirational.
Part B
- Concerned that parking control in GC will lead to problems elsewhere.
Part C
- Concerned over how convenient public transport will be.
- Greater distinction needed between RTS and other bus operators.
Part D
- Concerns regarding wider connectivity and effectiveness of RTS due to congested roads.
Part E
- Electric vehicle charging ranks will increase pressure on land use and density.
Part F
- Park and choose without direct access to A120 is ineffective.
Part G
- Concerned about moving parking problems elsewhere.
- No provision for HGV parking.
Part I
- Object to direct junction from A133 to GC. All access should be from the link road.
- Restricting car journeys between link road and Bromley Road will negatively impact existing residents of Bromley Road who have links to Elmstead.
- Horse riding shouldn’t be a high priority.
- A single healthcare hub can’t be accessible within 20-minutes from all neighbourhoods.
- Link road will lead to high to severe impact on breathable air quality in Elmstead (and GC site)
- Planning has been biased to Colchester’s benefit.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 186
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
- Question intention behind the illustrative plan
Part A
- Need to assess how homes will continue to met standards for a set period of time after construction.
- Schools and business premises must also have energy efficiency requirements.
- Ineffective language.
Part B
- ‘Encouraging’ is imprecise language that means policy is ineffective.
Part C
- ‘where feasible’ makes policy is too weak.
Part D
- Poor wording about water efficiency calculator report.
- 1.5C target is expected to be broken in 2027 – not a valid justification for policy.
Part A
- Energy efficiency standards for non-domestic buildings required.
Part B
- Passivhaus standard should be compulsory.
Part C
- Stronger wording required for policy to be effective.
Part D
- Change word ‘should’ to ‘shall’.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 187
Received: 25/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
- Timely requires clarification, too ambiguous.
Part A
- Off-site capacity improvements supports rumours of temporary school classrooms, and compromises infrastructure first principles.
Please see Elmstead Parish Council official response submission document submitted to TCB Garden Community
at tcbgardencommunity@colchester.gov.uk.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 270
Received: 28/06/2023
Respondent: Elmstead Parish Council
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
- Garden community site isn’t natural, it’s intensely farmed. Truly natural areas are very few.
- New homes will not contribute to nature recovery.
- Policy is unrealistically optimistic and will be ineffective in practice.
- Natural preservation and effective development are in direct contrast to each other.
- Only viable form of carbon capture for the GC is vegetation, and the site already does this without development. Any meaningful carbon capture would rely on yet to be invented technology.
- Concerned about misleading discrepancies between illustrative plans and policies map.
Policy intro
- Elmstead church will be harmed by proposals.
Part A
- Using Salary Brook as a SANG will harm the native habitat here.
Part B
- Development will take away natural and historic environment, not celebrate it.
Part C
- Policy wording is not robust enough.
- Information for new residents isn’t enough to protect sensitive sites.
Part D
- Delivering BNG on site too resource intensive.
Part E
- Farming landscape isn’t conducive to planning a settlement.
- Language isn’t precise enough.
Part F
- Policy is commendable but insufficient evidence is presented to support using so much land without compromising other land uses.
- Allotments are not acceptable within green gaps.
Part G
- Disagree with evidence base around groundwater conditions and the suitability of SuDS.
Part H
- Link road mitigation needs more certainty.
Part I
- 30-year commitment for BNG isn’t long enough for such a long term scheme.
- Concerned about public being excluded from natural spaces to protect biodiversity.
Part A
- Alternative approach to SANG required that won’t harm Salary Brook
Part B
- Remove reference to celebrating?
Part C
- More robust language is needed to be effective in retaining habitats
- A scheme to buffer established woodland is needed (particularly Churn, Thousand Acre, and Home Woods.
- A strategy to limit access to the public to the most sensitive sites should be included.
Part D
- BNG should be secured off-site to ensure efficient use of resources.
- Turnip Lodge Lane should be offered greater protection.
Part E
- The policy should be more precise with regards to which hedgerows and trees should be retained, and those should be given additional protection and buffer zones.
- Strategic policy is needed to instate tree belt planting before development begins, and to maintain and reinforce the landscape.
Part F
Part G
Part H
- A detailed comprehensive approach to mitigation around the northern part of the Link Road is needed.
Part I
- A further commitment is needed to ensure custodianship of BNG responsibilities indefinitely.
- Further work needed to understand the extent of drainage requirements for the site, to ensure it is viable.
See full representation attached.