Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
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Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 97
Received: 22/06/2023
Respondent: Affinity Water
Part K - Planning application requirements. Affinity Water supports the requirements for Masterplans and Design Codes. We would like to be consulted as these are developed to ensure water efficiency and water re-use is considered.
Part K - Planning application requirements. Affinity Water supports the requirements for Masterplans and Design Codes. We would like to be consulted as these are developed to ensure water efficiency and water re-use is considered.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 98
Received: 22/06/2023
Respondent: Affinity Water
Affinity Water welcomes the reference in Part G to the use of SuDS in conjunction with water efficiency measures.
Rainwater reuse can be used effectively for residential and non-residential development and will help reduce the potable water demand.
Affinity Water welcomes the reference in Part G to the use of SuDS in conjunction with water efficiency measures.
Rainwater reuse can be used effectively for residential and non-residential development and will help reduce the potable water demand.
Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community Development Plan Document (DPD)
Representation ID: 99
Received: 22/06/2023
Respondent: Affinity Water
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Change requirement for minimum 110 l/p/d to 100l/p/d
Include requirement for applicants requiring significant non-domestic water supply to submit a Water Resource Assessment in consultation with the relevant water company. This will look at maximising water efficiency and water reuse.
Affinity Water propose a criteria based approach that is proportionate to new non-household developments that requires applicants to demonstrate water efficiency measures and water reuse have been incorporated in proposals.
Where significant non-domestic water use is required developers should be required to submit a Water Resource Assessment with the planning application following consultation with the relevant water company.
The requirement of 110 l/p/d should be replaced with 100 l/p/d
Garden Communities are exemplars of sustainable and resilient development and should push boundaries to demonstrate that positive steps can be taken to deliver smarter and more efficient designs
Affinity Water supports the Plans positive messaging regarding water efficiency and opportunities for water reuse. However, GC Policy 8 refers to the 110 litres per person per day. A well planned development which incorporates water reuse systems can achieve less than this.
Due to the location of the development supply may be limited without substantial reinforcements. The area is subject to sustainability reduction plans which adds complexity to supply.
We believe that the government's Environment Improvement Plan (Water Efficiency Roadmap) intention to require 100 l/p/d in water stressed area, such as this, should be used as a minimum requirement and developers encouraged to demonstrate how utilising integrated water management and a fittings based approach will reduce potable water use.
It is worth noting that Affinity Water has a statutory duty to supply water for household purposes, including any domestic requirements for non-household buildings (e.g drinking water and toilets in offices). This statutory duty does not extend to non-domestic demand, such as industrial processes, where it compromises our ability to supply for domestic purposes. We therefore request developers/applicants for non-domestic use liaise with us looking at water reuse and efficiency measures.